
Gossip in a world that moves so fast and free with information- should have been a stronger show,

Gossip in a world that moves so fast and free with information- should have been a stronger show,

Christine was wasted in terms of her talent.

Christine was wasted in terms of her talent.

Yes, i too would have liked the show to show where each candidate stands.

Yes, i too would have liked the show to show where each candidate stands.

I'm sick of Peter. The dog and the baby are essentially the show. The ratings gig lacked real bite!

I'm sick of Peter. The dog and the baby are essentially the show. The ratings gig lacked real bite!

Quinn lokking awfully thin, is doing his usual BS with Hookers. Dexter seems to want to be a real human being ( Deb being the Blue Fairy) but he should have taken out Louis. There is no good to come from someone who cancels your credit cards. Too risky. What's his deal?
Deb and Dexter will NEVER have relations.

Quinn lokking awfully thin, is doing his usual BS with Hookers. Dexter seems to want to be a real human being ( Deb being the Blue Fairy) but he should have taken out Louis. There is no good to come from someone who cancels your credit cards. Too risky. What's his deal?
Deb and Dexter will NEVER have relations.

I disagree and I think Brody will get away with the crime(s) and go on to be the VP. We shall see. The tape may not be enough, as "we' haven't seen enough of it.

I disagree and I think Brody will get away with the crime(s) and go on to be the VP. We shall see. The tape may not be enough, as "we' haven't seen enough of it.

just a strange show that could be better…

just a strange show that could be better…

It's about time were getteing to reality on TV or movies. I want to see penetration!!!!

It's about time were getteing to reality on TV or movies. I want to see penetration!!!!

I became fustrated with the show but I will miss it. Most of this narritive should have been played out ALL this last season and Kevin Nelon dropped. I'll miss Hunter Parish -Silas- most of all.

I became fustrated with the show but I will miss it. Most of this narritive should have been played out ALL this last season and Kevin Nelon dropped. I'll miss Hunter Parish -Silas- most of all.

This show is flat and forced. Even the out takes at the end are NOT funny. Lisa is full of herself and the shows ablib is not working-PERIOD! BOO!

This show is flat and forced. Even the out takes at the end are NOT funny. Lisa is full of herself and the shows ablib is not working-PERIOD! BOO!