I wanted Joe's dad to, you know break Cameron's "code" and "enter her cave." FEE FIE FOE FUN
I wanted Joe's dad to, you know break Cameron's "code" and "enter her cave." FEE FIE FOE FUN
What this show gets wrong about liquor sales in Texas
There are no bottles served on the tables of restaurants. That is
in violation of Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission laws. Texas is a
liquor-by-the-drink state. Fucking show runners.
What this show gets right about Dallas
Most people in Dallas are assholes from other parts of the country, like up north
Arsenio Hall died?
The wiping scene.
Dude, Mrs. Garrett was soooo freekin' hot.
What happened to Amantha's face? It looks like an old catcher's mitt. She smokes too much, her face is all craggly, it's crinkly. It's from all that smoke. She's experienced a lifetime of smoking in 72 hours. What did she expect? Emphysema, birth defects, cancer. But not this. Her face is her livelihood, her allure……
I blame Obama.
I, too, would like to "touch upon" Tawney, and by "touch upon," I mean that I would contend for the faith with a license against immorality; that she and I as Christians would be encouraged in heart and united in love; that we would not love our physical lives so much as to shrink from death for the cause of Jesus…
The best album of the Newmaniun Kramenium millennium remains Yankee Hotel Foxtrot.
What was good about Summerteeth I never had a chance with the hot smart girl of my dreams in high school. Years later we caught up with each other at the Summerteeth tour in New Orleans. We had sex on my living room couch after the show.
I'd like to "insert" myself into every "scene" of Britney Spear's "work", bitch,if you know what I'm saying' and if you don't I mean share some Tater Tots® with her.
"My wife is a slut."
Kedves Louie,
halt meg útban vissza a bolygót
I'm actually typing something right now. WEIRD.
And the place to get burgers in NYC was played by Five Guys®
Kedves Louie
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