

If you want good advice on tech, talk to angels. They hang around baseball parks.

"Consider this, rich motherfuckers don't die of cancer no more."

Imaginary friends vs. native american spirit animals?
Which ones provide better stock tips?

That confused the hell out of me. I read this article and then saw the review for "Thrilla in Manilla". . . is this a mistake?

That's what I was thinking.

"Unmutual, if you hate all the bullshit that's on TV (or "tee vee") why don't you just get rid of your TV? I rant much less since I did so and I can still watch anything on TV I do like on the PS3 or my computer. "

"(a) TV is an acronym for TELEVISION, not "tee-vee". If you want to sound hoity toity and make us all listen to your opinions, you might have gone with the British "telly". Dumbass."

Kidding aside, I would love to see Sylar in the Full House reboot.

They look like Eva and Zsa Zsa Gabor, only dead.

If you had caught either Steve Carrel or Tracy Morgan 15 years earlier in their careers
They might have actually considered it.

Christ, have people forgotten already what the acronym stands for?

I know you did, I just felt like calling special attention to the one character role I can think of that she played was a god damned ripoff.

But would you have prevented the New Deal?

"So you're a masochist then? Because you clicked into here. You could be learning about ancient Egypt right now. But instead you have engaged yourself in these things you believe are terrible. "

God clearly hates us all.

Ha, it wasn't my intention to be amazing (ly douche-baggy), but really, I honestly truly feel sick to my stomach whenever I see promos for the endless lineup of trainwrecks on tee-vee right now. They make me despair for the fate of my country and really the human race. The amount of money that goes into the production

the projects that could have pulled him out of a steep professional downward spiral were a plucky animated comedy called Shrek
Wait, what?

I am at work, so time stolen is from my employer.