
…and succeeding, while the guy from The Cabin in the Woods yells at them on a screen, "F*CK YOUUUUUU!" :)

And I'll just add to #2 (something I've said on the AVC boards before) that Roddenberry's Utopia was not meant to be a statement about the future as much as a story-telling trick, a way to throw all the conflict onto the aliens so that the show could do effective metaphor.

Yes, I'd managed to look away at the right time during the original ep, only to look up just in time for it in the previously on!

Thank you! I KNEW I recognized her from something!!!

Also some props to his partner, who walks a similar line, only hers is more like, "I never liked Beth anyway, but I'm also not going to blame everything on her, but follow the leads." (Kind of the flip-side of Art's "I like her but I won't protect her from everything if she's guilty.") Both have human biases but both

It also makes a lot of sense for me that it comes up when it does. As @avclub-5354ae126495667a24e77e66cc463276:disqus  said, it seems to stem from trauma related to his father — who had just died right in front of him. As Zach pointed out, he's not directly dealing with this at all due to the crisis at hand (and maybe

I used to use that as my error message alert on my computer. :)

That movie legitimately scares the shit out of me. *shudder*

Melissa "Two-Sheds" Strickland

"I forced my skull right through my face/ And refused to wash my stringy hair…"

"My father made this map."
"Well, he didn't do a very good job."


That's a very broad statement I would contest (no subtext in Shakespeare)— I wrote a paper refuting that in college, (and drunkenly rant about it in bars with actors, for that matter, it's a bit of a pet peeve of mine). Subtext, to actors, means a lot of things, including what you are trying to do with any given line,

And while I can't quite picture what would cause such injuries (part of the joke, I guess), I can leave that aside. But as you said, the pain of those injuries when they happen must be buzzkill that stops everything— I've never cracked a rib, but I have had a killer leg cramp during sex, and it wasn't like "Whew,

The other problem, which I guess is explained in the above explanation of their motives, is that the Federation seems so huge, and with plenty of clean-living planets (say, Vulcan), that it seems silly to pick on Risa. Just don't go there. Among planet-based (as opposed to Starfleet) Federation citizens, most have

Darn, I thought we were going to keep going. :)

A critic of a critic. How cleverly meta of you. Can I play?

Um, we do in Austin.

I'm probably stretching things here, but as Miles normally experiences Love in the domestic context (because of his marriage), having Kira at home with them might have actually made it seem more like romance to him than if she hadn't been.

Him, or the bartender, since she paid him out of the fat stack of cash. Sheesh, lady!