
Yeah, because Congress only started being a mess recently and that all ended six weeks ago.

American Horror Story: Congress

We had necrophilia (with incest!) and bestiality (with mythical creatures!) this season already in one episode, so it wouldn't be a stretch.

I'd say that as a pilot this was A- since I found it to be a pretty exceptional pilot, but as a series grade it's probably a tad lower.

Don't get me wrong, I don't disagree that he should give her answer, and the sooner the better, but I think overall they need better communication and that he might not be the only one who wants different things than when the relationship or marriage began. Kids are a big decision, their life is already in transit as

Unless there's an actual reason to be shamed, it's neither. Have fun!

I understand that - but I don't think its so cut and dry. It's possible the topic of kids just came up recently, and he needs time to think about it - whether it is something he wants, can fit into his lifestyle, can financially afford, or if it's worth potentially losing his marriage over.

I don't really agree with that. Some of the hottest water-cooler shows right now took longer than six episodes to set up. The first half of season one of The Vampire Diaries was a bore but became a buzzy show after a midseason twist, Scandal's first season passed under the radar and the second season took a while to

There's obviously not really a set timeline, and it's very possible they don't want the same things out of the relationship. They need to communicate better.

Honestly, the way I read the letter makes it sound like they discussed it and then she changed her mind. She quotes him as saying that they always said they never wanted to stop adventuring because of kids. But eventually they decided to settle and they bought a house, and then were planning on having kids in a year.

Yeah, leaving your husband because he had cold feet about making a large life commitment while enjoying his youth will show him a thing or two about who is and who isn't mature and able to handle things like an adult!

Six episodes is nothing when it has 22 episodes already. It'd be nice for it to improve, but it still has time. I'd say that if it doesn't improve by the end of the calendar year and go on winter hiatus on a strong note then it would be an issue, but that's a few weeks away yet.

I am always thinking of the penis.

Your knowledge on primate penises is impressive or curious, or both.

I am up to episode four now of season one of Arrow, and I must ask: Do they ever drop the voiceovers? They're getting more grating than the boring family drama. (Thea's plot is obnoxious, but the actress is likable enough, but Oliver's reaction to his mother being remarried feels silly.)

The OC would both be interesting to cover and flooded with trolls. And surely a "Welcome to the OC, bitch!" meme.

I feel like the TV Club has done a good job at picking older shows that really warrant that kind of episodic coverage, but I always would love to see Roseanne get extended coverage of some sort, be it a 100 Episodes, a Roundtable, or just picking some select episodes from each season.

Added you. I have the Grass starter in my Friend Safari if you are looking for that.

Okay, my Arrow marathon begins tonight. Starting with re-watching the pilot, the only episode I've yet to see.

Nah, on The CW, 14-18 year olds are middle schoolers, 18-27 is high school, 27-35 is parents, 35-45 does not exist on this channel, and 45+ is grandparents.