Jon Pertwees Shameless Gurning

Since this the holiday bullshit unloading thread, here goes (sorry Dikachu):

To clarify, 'I hate gingers' is a comedic exaggeration, of course.

What about Turlough? I mean, I hate gingers as much as anyone, and I'm mostly straight, but…

So, I think this is as good a place as any to include my favorite eps of the Moffat era so far (not counting Time):

I agree that the last year or so has been off, though the last three stories have all been fantastic. I think the split seasons have hurt the most, and I have to say that the second half of Series 7 is gradually improving on rewatches, though it still falls short of the sustained innovation of Series 5 or the

Yup. This was just your bog standard amnesia brought on by post-regenerative trauma. I was more annoyed by how predictable it all was, but not really. Capaldi!!

Oh, it was pretty bad. Or at least boring. Not Colin's fault, I know, and I look forward to giving his audios a go (need to do something about the complete lack of disposable income first), but there is almost nothing redeemable about his era for me, except maybe Varos.

Ditto. Death to split seasons!

Yes. Everything is canon, especially the stuff that contradicts the other stuff, to paraphrase Russell 'The' Davies.

Yes, very much this. Not ready to rank this one yet, but is very much a fitting capper to the Matt Smith era. I even loved the snap regeneration itself (following the weaponized buildup of course), although others seem to disagree.

Cheers, mate. We don't always directly interact on these threads, but your posts are always highlights.

Because the phrase (from one of Bahn's early reviews) and this avatar pic are just delightful. And I do like Pertwee, just not as much as the six or seven Doctors I like more.

Carnival of Monsters is so good. There's so many great stories in the Pertwee era, even if he's far from my favorite Doc.

Bingo. During the wilderness years when Doctor Who as an ongoing concern was limited to a couple series of inconsistent novels written largely by fans, Paul Cornell was probably the best overall writer and his approach was to emphasize Who's wild romanticism (especially thru emotion and metaphor) over hard sci-fi or

So, I think this is my top ten:

Yeah, the new Neko Case is way better than the stupid review on here said.

I certainly did my part on the Readers' Choice ballot.

For me, at least:

Also, a lot of them have been found. Not sure exactly how many, but a lot. There's a lot of cloak-and-dagger type secrecy surrounding this fact for reasons not entirely clear to me, but suffice it to say that last month's release of the Troughton stories Enemy of the World and Web of Fear are just the tip of the

'Why are you holding your screwdrivers like that? What are you gonna do, assemble a cabinet at them?'