
More like Borence and the Meh-chine, amirite?

Summoning the hive mind, eh?

Well, Dawes is thoughtful enough to issue albums on 8-track.

I believe "ownage" also pre-dates pregnant teenagers, although by only a few minutes.

I wonder what horsefellow thinks of the new system.

Pretty sure Cave Commentor pre-dates Cookie around here.

They pussed on the downvotes at the 11th hour.  Because they're pussies like that.  But what's the flag procedure?

Yeah.  I don't see any little flag icons.

How do you flag shit around here?

Yeah Dude.  Assimilate.  Resistance is futile.

La Virgin De Guadalupe
Has always looked like a stylized vagina to me anyway. So, don't be surprised if he plays up that angle.

I've been an unregistered troll on this site for at least 18 months. After about the four-hundredth time I was told to "sack up and register," I did, and I went trolling, and even managed to get ZMF on my hook.