
Seriously….I had the tv on mute and Terrio looked super wrecked.

His utter lack of enthusiasm and excitement was fantastic and made even better by his disapproving nod. Joaquin rules.

Ayn Rand

Never Forget

D. A. Pennebaker

Wasn't The Master a self satisfied wank fest already?

I'm MOE GREEEN!!!!….Alex Rocco is great, he's got that perfect raspy, New York Italian accent.

If I were a TV executive I'd greenlight the shit out of that.

You're only YOLO once!

While wearing a Shat

Well that was embarrassing.

She had…..A HUGE ASS!!!!

Yo Teach!

Oh holy crap, I'm glad someone else watched that show. Jessica Capshaw was so smoking hot.

Intervention was some seriously disturbing shit. At least with that show I didn't feel like I was watching Big Brother if all the flatmates happened to have heroin problems. I never really got the impression that Celebrity Rehab was about helping people recover, it seemed to revel in the friction and antagonism

This will no doubt be the way the apocalypse shakes out: all the interesting people are killed because they're out doing interesting things (not lying in a hospital in a coma like a goon) and we're just left with really boring people who don't know how to hold a basic conversation. "Stuff, things, people, eat, me,

Like the A-Team….with zombies.

Ever since Carol's been rid of the ole ball and chain (Sophia) she's been getting a little hotter.

So…..will Tyreese return? He's like a pretty major and great character from the comics. That would be kind of shitty to introduce him then have him bail after Rick goes nuts and stuff.

I really liked the Pope commercial too, if for nothing other than seeing the Pope in a bandana playing in a garage rock band.