I work at Goodwill now and the coolest thing I've ever seen in our record collection was Cibo Matto's Viva! La Woman, and I hardly felt like paying 99 cents for it.
I work at Goodwill now and the coolest thing I've ever seen in our record collection was Cibo Matto's Viva! La Woman, and I hardly felt like paying 99 cents for it.
Can we talk about how awesome ALL of Mary Timony's projects have been (especially her 2005 album Ex Hex?? I pretty much can't go a single week without playing that once all the way through.
The Aislers Set!
This kind of reminds me of how I once told my mom that my favorite Amityville was the second one (in my early teens) because I thought it was a little closer to a reenactment of the real Amityville murders. Unfortunately, she sought it out and discovered some pretty strong suggestions of brother-sister incest.
So if you don't believe the band is named after the movie Say Anything, can you back up where the name came from? Every single thing on the internet seems to say he named the band Say Anything because he could "relate to the character of Lloyd Dobler" (taken directly from an interview.) This is what I found on just…
"So you are saying that opinions that diverge from yours are not welcome to be expressed in your presence? Good to know. That doesn't make you a fascist at all." - some dumbfuck hypocrite on AVC.
So basically everyone who disagrees with you is crazy? Man, look in the mirror. Or don't. I'm sure that can't be a pleasant experience for you.
So you can't explain what it is that I said that makes me seem as if I "blew a gasket." Was it because I said "fucking"? Did I offend your delicate sensibilities? Since I can only speculate on that, here are the only two things I can discern from all the nonsense you've been spouting:
You couldn't get a woman flustered if you tried.
And I'm freaking the fuck out…how? You didn't simply ask that question, you were prattling on and on about all of this other inane bullshit. I was literally QUOTING you and responding to your comments about how women only play games that they can "relate" to because apparently male-dominated games all involve "rape."…
If you don't believe social media games are on a lesser plane, why ask that first question at all, and why phrase it the way you did? We've all been talking in the comments section about whether or not women solely play "casual games" or whether or not they play traditionally "male-dominated games" like Call of Duty…
I can't imagine you're suggesting that based on personal experience.
I would venture to guess that the joke about Young Janet getting pregnant after that last time actually came true. It also explains why they immediately cut to a sober looking Older Louie afterward (because I'd think that would have been a nice memory, otherwise).
I'm going to go ahead and say the reason she looks better this season is because her body was really tastefully framed in her few nude scenes (avoiding her larger bottom half altogether). Her hair is definitely working for her too. I haven't noticed any evolution as a character (she's still selfish and needy) but she…
It was mildly hilarious that they were all practically wearing the same thing, too.
Meeee too. Also - Kim Gordon has no listed IMDB credit for her part on Girls (yet). I was worried I'd dreamed the whole thing.
I was responding to someone else to begin with and I only very generally noted that people seem to be hung up on hating Zahn (have you read any of these comments? seriously). I don't really know or care whether you're personally hung up on him. I also doubt you were asking a genuine question, but I guess I was…
I was kidding. Jesus. Christ. I was emphasizing the fact that the other performances are more than worth watching, so why the fuck is everyone hung up on this one character? I don't get it.
You think the writers want you to like Davis? I doubt it. Even moments where you might feel some sympathy welling up for him (when Annie grows distant) he ends up coming off like an immature douchebag anyway (he cheats). That's pretty intentional. I think the writers really only care about the complexity and…