Did like when ESPN tossed up that Washington had their First 10 Win Season Since 200 though. Who knew?
Did like when ESPN tossed up that Washington had their First 10 Win Season Since 200 though. Who knew?
2 Girls 2 Mean
Yeah, but that's a lot more common. Plenty of people go from being a businessman or advocate straight to something like Governor or Senator without prior elected experience, including George and Mitt Romney, Al Franken, Deval Patrick, Elizabeth Warren, and so forth.
Was Woodrow Wilson really that more racist than the average American white guy in 1913? I kind of think we should shoot for judging Presidents on like a WARP for Racism. So people like Lincoln or Grant, who would be considered super-racist if you judged them on current standards, are rightly lauded for Emancipation…
Yeah, that was not a thing that actually happened in 2016. Dude spent $200 Million and got fucked over by the voters, who preferred his opponent by 13 or so points.
"listening in on Troy and his close friend, Bono"
The winner having to be alive is also why they didn't give a Peace Prize out in 1948. Having forgotten to give it to Gandhi before he was assassinated, they put out essentially saying 'We would have given it to Gandhi, but he's dead now, so no award for anyone.'
Carter could be a very decent, moralistic man. He could also be a vindictive, moralistic son of a bitch, which is why he couldn't ever work with either the Georgia Legislature or Congress, even with overwhelming majorities in both.
Plus, the fact that a Democrat wins two terms means it's super easy, and his successor isn't liberal enough, or is a sellout, or whatever, so I'm just gonna vote for the Green because what's the worst that can happen?
The great thing about the Wahlberg though is they've only done, what, three Wahlberg movies ever? Planet of the Apes, Entourage, and Happening. So having Apes and Entourage go 100% in on him is fine, because it's a rare (hilarious) bird.
When the apes finally turn off the fucking dark already.
Yeah, villains were such a major part of those movies that I remember Ebert being amazed at how much Batman Begins was about, you know, Batman.
Hell, given DC's height limit, it's a pretty spider proof city. The tallest non-Capitol, non-Washington Monument, non-Church buildings are 12 stories and 200 feet. Forget webslinging from NYC to DC, he can't websling from the White House to Dupont Circle.
They're going to keep that there until it beats Law and Order and Gunsmoke, if only so the CW can go into the record books.
The Plot appears to literally be "NOTE: OPTIMUS DIED ON THE WAY BACK TO HIS HOME PLANET"
Also, you've got Heartland playing while they're in Memphis. So it's still worth it.
I mean, the fact that it's taken 50 yrs for LBJ's reputation (which was mixed, not completely terrible) to recover enough to even get a Destroyer tells me we don't have to worry too much about a USS Trump any time soon unless he shocks us by not being the complete fucking disaster that he likely appears to be. …
I doubt he gets an Aircraft Carrier unless someone really likes him. Obama probably will, but it's not like they're building USS Herbert Hoovers or Lyndon Johnsons or Richard Nixons, even though the latter two actually served in the Navy. Basically, that gets named after you if you're popular/good (Washington,…
That's actually the opposite of the Greenback Party's position: After the war, the Republicans went back to the Gold Standard, which was incredibly deflationary (and screwed farmers who relied on loans / debt to finance planting and harvesting). As such, they wanted unbacked currency and inflation that would raise…
Mostly that Kissinger's the same star fucker he was back in the 70s? He likes proximity to power and influence, and that's where they were for 20 plus years? (He didn't like them much in the 90s, because HW Bush's NS people (Scowcroft, etc) were all his proteges, while Clinton's people had come through different FP…