
You had a character who's a master of manipulation, in a job whose only power is through manipulation. It's a sign of the show's paucity of ideas they couldn't move him out of there fast enough.

I'll always love "Heartbreak Ridge" because that's what our camp counselor told everyone else we were watching when he was actually showing 13 and 14 year olds Pulp Fiction.

Executive Decision is at least kind of not Die Hard on a Plane, if only because Kurt Russell still has a full team of special ops guys and Oliver Platt with him.

Wait, to the President is simultaneously promising to fight terrorists everywhere, and cut the military budget in half? No wonder they cut it out. Unlike the rest of the movie, it makes zero sense.

Die Hard in the Capitol. Get on that Hollywood.

Also, Malkovich is Malkovichy as fuck in that movie.

I'll always love Executive Decision as the first R rated movie I ever saw. I stayed up watching it while putting my 4th grade science project together at the last minute.

Meanwhile, John Candy had to settle for Die Hard On an Automobile.

Our Latin teacher stopped showing up to work halfway through my Sophomore year. At first, they showed us Roman movies like Spartacus, but eventually it devolved into things like Clueless and Man of La Mancha (also the Spanish class substitute teacher's best friend.)

If we don't get Sudden Death this week, I'm gonna be so disappointed.

Next up: 146 Times Someone at the Oscars said "Juice!"

Yeah, it was going viral in its way long before it got a retweet. So no, they aren't responsible for it.

And? Someone on the campaign retweeted someone else's cool video, yet the article (with zero evidence) implies they made it themselves. The quadrennial spectacle of the GOP coming up with a campaign song, misinterpreting it, (past examples: Born in the USA, Dole Man, Still the One, Barracuda) and getting smacked

So, random person makes Youtube video about a candidate, and it gets popular enough that a band notices and has it taken down for copyright, and it's the candidate's fault?

Given this was posted by some random person on the internet, I'm guessing that person doesn't have lawyers.

If Eckhart doesn't, at some point, say "How can the same shit happen to the same President twice?" I don't even know why this movie bothers to exist.

Let's not say things we can't take back. #CancelJost

Methuselah is definitely getting too old for this shit, though.

But that's the one good assassination! It left us with President Badass! And took power from the oligarchs! Seriously, you're terrible at spreading evil, secret board of shadowy figures.

But then the twist was that they had to carry it out so you had Spock on the grassy knoll. No, I'm not making this up.