
The movie really suffers from a particular early 2000s surplus of lousy CGI. Everything in this movie gets it: GCI Ice! CGI missiles! CGI Nuclear Reactors! Even CGI Soccer Balls! Even though they're 10-20 years older, Das Boot and Red October's CGI effects hold up far better.

One thing I remember from this movie is young Peter Saarsgard, who’s on his first tour, loves nuclear power, has a young bride he kisses goodbye right as he leaves and the score swells, is so obviously doomed he should be name Comrade Dedmitov.

Yeah. Red October got it right by just letting Connery be Connery, and in general using "Brits = Russians" as a shorthand for them being different without turning everyone into Nuclear Wessels.

Truly, when it came to distributing records, Sam Gerrard had no peer.

Yeah, I imagine Hulk's tough enough to make as his own giant CGI creation just roaring, and She-Hulk you'd have to make a fully working, credible CGI person. I'd imagine that's hard on a TV budget.

On the other hand though, Downey / Iron Man pretty much instantly became more popular / well known. Until Cap2, the Iron Man films performed way above their contemporaries, and he's still something of the lead in both Avengers films.

I agree! First Avenger is half a good movie (until it gets overtaken by needing to setup MCU stuff) with a fun throwback WW2 pulp feel. Winter Soldier, for all everyone sells it as a 70s paranoid thriller where you trust noone, is actually one where the good guys are the ones you knew before the movie started, the bad

Seeing it again on cable all the time this weekend, I was struck by how very little plot is in that movie, which actually works to its strength. It's basically: Get team together => Team fights => Team gets attacked => team gets together to fight off big pointless alien invasion. It lets personalities bounce off each

Yeah, sadly I had the thought when Nimoy passed it was the first of the rest of the TOS cast. Deforest and Doohan were older, being in their late 40s when it was on the air so it wasn't a surprise they passed first, long before the rest, but everyone else is up there now and was similar in age. Shatner and Nichols in

And the worst part of both were when the crushing obligations of franchisedom took over. The first Captain America was half a great movie (when Johnston is essentially making Captain Rocketeer) and half terrible setup replacing the Nazis with a dull videogame against the world's silliest bad guys, Hydra, who seem to

I'm still disappointed it took someone in the audience to point out the dick-based complications of Face/Off surgery that the We Hate Movies guys talked about almost instantly. That kind of stuff seemed like it should have been right up Zouk's alley.

I also kind of love that David Spade's recurring character appears to be… David Spade.

I'd also say it's hard to make a quippy villain work when it's all just a CGI creation. One of the harder things about processing Ultron as a character is that it's never not obvious he's just a special effect.

It's worth remembering that SNL responded to the Rodney King riots in perhaps the most Early 90s SNL way possible (in the best and worst way): Recurring Characters for Unity! https://screen.yahoo.com/un…

Nigel Farage now blames EU for all lip syncing.

I loved when Conan would do similar out there stuff with Late Night, like claymating an entire episode, or doing an episode on the ferry, or going to Finland, or having an entire kid audience. Ever since he left (and even a bit in the final years), Late Night's become much more bland and corporate.

Just because Russians love their children too, doesn't mean they love hugging them or showing affection in any way.

Admit it America. Bet you wish you knew what Will McAVoy and ghost-Sam Waterston would have to say about this.

I remember back then the Trek licenses were weird too, because you had TNG ones and TOS ones and DS9 ones. So a game like Birth of the Federation, ostensibly a turn based strategy game where you followed one of the five empires (Federation, Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians and ugh, Ferengi) from their founding to the

All I'm saying is Fox could spring for some better Saturday night programming, OK?