And, just throwing it out there, it seems possible his ancestors might also have owned slaves at some point as well.
And, just throwing it out there, it seems possible his ancestors might also have owned slaves at some point as well.
Ahhh, Pavel Bure. So very, very fast in NHL 94.
Millennials are just going to end up learning what previous generations learned in 1993. Just like The Tonight Show wasn't The Tonight Show without Johnny, The Daily Show isn't The Daily Show without Stewart. Late Night TV isn't about franchises, it's about the host. It probably always was.
Yes, but are they still able to watch Red Heat?
I remember reading he was also written with John Lennon in mind as the actor to play him.
Heh. I remember them advertising that mess when I went and saw WarGames in theaters for the 25th anniversary showing. And because the satellite skipped for 4 minutes like an hour into the movie, I got two free movie tickets out of it!
Yeah. So much of the build up to Enterprise was trying superficial things to get new people watching (It's a prequel! There's sexy rubdowns! The ship's like a submarine, and the uniform's are different!) but then all the writing was pretty much the same.
Truly, getting caught between the moon and New York City was the best that he could do.
Yup, he gets an "It's really about the Journey!" speech in the series finale, right before Time Travelin' Janeway short circuits everything that happens in the journey after seven years (and not before that: Sorry, dead crew members!) so they can get home quicker.
So, he was the one behind the mysterious suicide-assassination of the prosecutor investigating the Argentinan President?
Jeb Bush: Somehow has both the Right and Wrong Last Name
Well, the social media backlash would probably be seen more in not letting the show be so terrible for seven long years. There'd be both more direct feedback and more immediate tinkering than one new cast member after three seasons.
I'm disappointed we haven't gotten HDTGM teaming with Adam Scott for the latest Fast and Furious. Those were pretty great podcasts.
As they kept talking about how the plot is that the mob is threatening a juror's family to pull 12 Angry Men to let a mob boss off, the more I kept hoping for another version of this movie, made in the mid 90s, starring either Stallone, Schwarzenegger, or Van Damme.
Say what you will about Archer, he inspires more comparisons than any other Captain: Captain Dubya, Captain Homer Simpson, Captain Glee….
That's what the Captain gets for trusting Ensign Clavin's explanations for the disaster!
Yeah. I'd actually be really interested in behind the scene's Hollywood dirt on the show. Between what Wang's said, Beltran's attitiude, and the Mulgrew-Ryan feud, it seems all a bit of a shitshow.
The whole costume etc. was embarrassing. But Ryan was a great actress and it ended up being a great character. I can get why Mulgrew got pissed that she ended up having a second lead that pushed her out of the spotlight, but at the same time Seven episodes were generally far stronger than whatever nonsense they gave…
Having just gotten to the halfway point of Enterprise, and watched a bit of Quantum Leap, I think the problem is in how they set up Archer. Bakula can make a great natural, inspired, happy explorer. But like 90% of the time they write him as a short-tempered, petulant dullard. And seeing them start on making him a…