
I love that in copying The Americans, NBC just had to throw in that their Paige stand in is a super genius at the CIA who solve mysteries no one else can. Because of course they did.

I kind of think any leftist film popular enough to be a box office hit would then get written out of the movement for being insufficiently avowedly leftist.

I'd say that Les Dahmer ought to do more thinking and less dahmering. Wait, what?

I thought the music video of Dylan leading a flying troop of commandos against the Nazis was particularly inspired.

Sorry, sometimes I forget you exist here instead of here.

Clearly, Michael Gambon is the superior British LBJ.

Wasn't that the classic "Well, he's going to get nominated for Ray anyway, so he'll be a 'supporting actor' so he isn't competing against himself," though?

I definitely remember for weeks on end American Sniper had ad after ad after ad, especially on ESPN / any sports event. If you watched any bowl game or NFL game, you got an American Sniper ad. Selma's campaign wasn't nearly as saturated.

He did, but later on he shot the terrorist at the end when he looked like he was about to kill Bruce Willis.

"King and Johnson…. at Selma. "

What is ironic is that the same FBI COINTELPRO tactics spying on and harassing MLK and civil rights leaders also gutted the KKK at the same time: https://journals.ku.edu/ind…

I think it's just fine, and it's funny to think about given the current Ghostbusters reboot discussion that this in some ways is one: A comedy with heavy action-horror-scifi elements and a ton of special effects, directed by Ivan Reitman, built around disaffected college professors scientists. It's doing something

Yeah. In their Insurrection podcast and review of STID they really make clear despite nerding out on their Trek fandom that they have no time for the "Abrams killed the franchise!" bridage.

What about as Ann Porkins?

One thing I've seen written about Returns is that it's a Superman movie where he never throws a punch—literally all his action scenes are about saving people and lifting the world on his shoulders. And plenty of fanboys and viewers hated that, and they obviously overcorrected for Man of Steel.

I actually really like Hackman in 2, because it frees him from having his own silly main plot and lets him be a scheming malevolent force on the side. The way he keeps switching sides while looking out for number one is pretty great.

Or have her play both roles and nobody says anything about it or notices. Which would be fascinating.

I originally read this as signed by Jude Law and Norm McDonald, and now am much disappointed.

Actually, Chris Kyle would say he handled Michael Moore, and roughed him up good, until Moore took him to court and proved just how big a liar he is.

I especially appreciate the one that reassures us their son is the most brilliant man in the CIA and shows him solving mysteries. Because it wouldn't be a network show without a brilliant guy solving mysteries.