Someone on the internet likes "The Wire" ? STOP THE PRESSES!
Someone on the internet likes "The Wire" ? STOP THE PRESSES!
Having seen him twice now so far (I'm watching S1 for JRWSTFTFT) he's by far the best part of the two episodes he's in because he's smarter and more dangerous than anyone else there. But they still aren't that good episodes. I'm not sure how much he'd help as a regular—and I'm not sure, at least so far, that I'd want…
I'm not so sure about that. Kira certainly had plenty of reasons to go after Dukat, but for several seasons they'd hit home just how much Dukat obsesses over Sisko, at least back to season 5, and there'd been such crackling scenes with them even going all the way back to The Maquis two-parter. Dukat being obsessed…
Come on, he had embarrassing sex things happen to him at least more than that! If you want a Trek character who was barely there @zetakai:disqus , Mayweather is your answer.
Yes, it's a very superficial remake of TOS though, because the writers, raised on writing TNG and TNG S8-14, had no clue exactly how the Trinity worked and clicked. Say what you will about the Abrams movies, but their understanding of replicating the feel of Kirk and Spock is better than what B & B were able to do.
Yeah. Colm Meaney's built a more successful "Hey it's that guy!" longterm character acting career, but Bakula is far more likely to be found in a lead-ish role (Men of A Certain Age, the new NCIS).
True, though it also just completely devolved into prequel fanservice for well (Romulan arc) and ill (Orion Slave Girls! Klingon Forehead ridges!) and character development is still completely absent.
Yeah. Most egregiously when the first time they actually can communicate with the Alpha Quadrant is midway Season 4 (DS9 Season 6) and apparently Starfleet Command was operating under Basil Fawlty's instructions.
I found the third a bit less fulfilling than the first two. Morris doesn't really get into the thick of other people than his subject the way a Robert Caro does. When TR is the protaganist in his own story like in his rise and his Presidency, it doesn't matter. But when Taft and Wilson are driving eventss while TR is…
We also kept the Eddington and Dukat alliance secrets well. Did we keep the secret Odo's people were in charge of the Dominion? Season 2-3 was a long time ago…
I'd say kind of, but I mean it more in a reverse thing. It's not that we know the people because they're in charge, but that the people we knew already then got elevated to being in charge.
I'm legit curious which Trek characters have "died" the most times on screen.
It's these joke comment threads I may miss most of all about our comment section. Going back and reading what we put together for Melora still makes me laugh out loud—you have to really try to stifle it when you're in the office:…
Yeah. It's crazy. We close to averaged this much for a random season five episode. Now, we struggle to get there for the finale.
Yeah. The only thing he says so far in season 1 is that "He was in space!" and "Those freighter guys are different!" It'd be one thing if they pitched him as actually bringing a different philosophical understanding to the way the character thought, but it also needed a different actor. He got played like he was…
I always take Sloan's prediction as pretty accurate: "The Dominion will be forced back to the Gamma Quadrant. The Cardassian Empire will be occupied. The Klingon Empire will spend the next ten years recovering from the war and won't pose a major threat to anyone. That leaves two powers to vie for control of the…
*Sobs* If this is *tears* anyone other than Steve Allen… you're* cries* stealing my bit! *full on weeping*
I think it works kind of great if we assume they're heading off into the sunset, continuing on their adventures together in our imaginations. As setup for movies, it's not quite as good.
Even better than diversity of race was diversity of alien specie that brought fresh perspectives on everything to the show and enabled some pretty great dialogue. Throwing a Cardassian, Ferengi, Bajoran, Klingon and Changeling together and having them talk about earth literature, or their concepts of faith, proved…
I will always give Move Along Home credit for two things: 1) The actors to a good job fleshing out their characterizations in the midst of a weird, bad script. and 2) That the alien gamers of the week thought it was hella stupid for anyone to play games that could put you in deadly circumstances on a weekly basis.…