
That is interesting, though how many dead ancestors do we usually see on Trek? I guess we saw visions of Picard, Geordi, and Janeway's dead parents, and the flashbacks to Seven's parents being the universe's dumbest scientists in Dark Frontier, but this kind of flashback stuff doesn't seem to happen that often.


Which is why it's important to finally eliminate Gul Rusot who (despite reaching Paul Gleason in Die Hard levels of wrong decisionmaking) is emblematic of the Cardassia that conquered Bajor and regretted the end of the occupation. The Cardassia that felt impotent with the Maquis and gladly followed Dukat into the arms

Eh. I still don't buy Ezri in that scene. In Soldiers of the Empire and even back in Blood Oath (when she calls out Kang and co. on the fact that they're launching a suicide mission) Jadzia had the general presence and strength that when she'd actually call Worf and the Klingons out on their bullshit, it felt real.

Also, in his immediate reaction to them killing his family, he says "The Founder knew that. Weyoun knew that." Even in this moment, it's still a very personal Rebellion for him-and part of this scene is forcing him to move beyond that.

I love just how complicated it is though. The way Visitor takes what could easily be played as a karmic "Hell yeah" for the audience, and insteadplays it very real. She says it quite smugly, then instantly realizes just how much of an ass she's being given the guy's family just died. And Damar gets this look like

Also, Michael Dorn reading the script and seeking out O'Reilly to apologize for killing the character.

"How many Klingon Chancellors does it take, Mr. Worf, before it becomes wrong? A thousand? Fifty thousand? A million? How many Klingon Chancellors DOES IT TAKE, Worf?"

Yup. In the nine years between Reunion and Tacking Into the Wind, we go from Picard dressing down Worf for daring to murder someone and interfere in the politics of Klingon succession, to Sisko essentially ordering him to murder someone to interfere in the politics of Klingon succession.

I kind of love that devious, selfish Gowron is seemingly the only one to get the full Sisko Yelling at People treatment and be completely immune.

It really is one of our last wonderful bits of Garak being Garak. Him spying on Odo (now looking not so different than when Garak tortured him back in The Die is Cast) is a nice bit of compassion on his part, but so is when Garak, worried about how Odo’s health could impact the mission, tells Kira—who already knows.

Next time, on Mad Space Nine…



Indeed, screwing up the pips for their BS promotions came far down on the list of things Red Squad failed at.

Scott Bakula opens mail, sees request from Paramount to start Enterprise Season 5. Also sees NCIS spinoff check. Laughs.

Much like Er….Ah… Catherine the Great?

Bashir will PAY for almost skipping that stone!

Ferengi DJs are notorious for sampling without permission.