
To be fair, Elvis was hitchhiking from town to town, hiding from the authorities and solving problems while twinkley piano music played.

They had a vision?

In a way, all of us has a mother to face. For some, shyness might be their mother. For others, a lack of education might be their mother. For us, our mother is a nice lady who distracted me from my perpetual crush lady. But as sure as my name is Ted Mosby, my children can conquer their own personal mother, who also

Well, that's a classic failure to understand that movies are different than television, which isn't surprising for the misogynistic troll that complains about how they changed the lighting on the Enterprise when filming for a giant movie screen vs. a 1993 era-TV set.




Sadly, upgrading the quality of Enterprise's writing or acting is beyond even the most modern of special effects.


The A.V. Club

To be fair, losing your ship to the Ferengi probably puts you on a permanent "No more promotions!" list.

But her prayers for a position of leadership weren't answered, at least entirely. She suffered through the occupation, kept the faith, stayed the course, and instead she has to share leadership of the Bajoran faith with an off worlder, an Emissary who didn't really believe for years, and yet who the prophets speak to

They also didn't kill Keiko to cause O'Brien to suffer…

Maybe it's because I watched the movies before the show, but I always thought Admiral Kirk was where it was at and was disappointed when he was busted down to Captain. But maybe that was just the Montalban pronunciation.

If they were better jailers, Dukat never gets bumped down to freighter captain and he never meets Dukat and ends up a perpetual glinn with a crappy assignment. So he should be happy about the whole Breen/Ziyal prison escape.


Isn't she the perfect example of how we end up with Crazy, Stupid, Evil Admirals though?

Yeah, if they hadn't kept her prisoner all those years, he could have murdered her ages ago!

Apparently, all The Dominion needed to give them to get them to join their alliance was a whole lot of cocaine.