They figure out that relationship easily, but then don't use it much at all for the rest of the season. So good job, show?
They figure out that relationship easily, but then don't use it much at all for the rest of the season. So good job, show?
At least in "The Ship" they got how Jadzia's humor could get annoying very fast in the wrong moment. They just wanted you to find Ezri so endearing though.
Coolest set design fact ever: The writing on the wall in Benny Russell's cell was genuine handwriting done by the entire Art Department, under the supervision of Michael Okuda. The writing was supposed to be the history of Deep Space 9, as told by Russell; all the stories as seen by viewers since the pilot episode,…
Pretty sure that first paragraph was the plot of a Kate Hudson movie at one point.
I eagerly anticipate the Chrysalis fights next week. I will convince you all of its self awareness yet!
Man, they don't even try to come up with actual jokes based on what the episodes are anymore, do they?
Which….makes perfect sense, because that's a fundamental textbook series for starfleet counselors.
But spending so much time on the new character while really providing little new depth to that character is criminal. It's not just a new character: This was an interesting storytelling concept they completely botch.
I hate all of it, because it's one more bit of us getting hit over the head again with Bashir and Quark always being in LOOOOOOOOVE with Dax. The general vibe of “She’s not Jadzia, she’s the next best thing!” "Good enough!" is so creepy.
Trek's concept of the Trill changed so thoroughly after The Host that the story is practically apocryphal at this point. It's probably some elaborate story Riker made up for Picard so he could explain sexing Crusher for a while without him getting mad. Like the time everyone "lost" their memories while he had hate-sex…
Once again, O'Brien takes some booze to Worf, talks through his issues and tells him to shape up, while Ezri just stumbles upon Garak’s real problem by pure accident. Whether TNG or DS9, counselors remain worthless.
Exactly. Jadzia Dax was a fully formed person, and the show knew how to frame past Dax hosts into her character at times, like Curzon's Curzon-ness and her maternal past when fighting with Sirella, etc. With Ezri it just comes like "I ordered gagh. Why did I do that?" over and over without ever bothering to see how…
She's just such a missed opportunity though because there's zero depth to the character beyond, as Zack puts it, her "writerly laundry list of faux neurotic tics." It might have been nice knowing more about the character of Ezri, why she became a counselor or what drover her into Starfleet or why she didn’t want to be…
It really stinks that Holosuite and Chrysalis are both the same week. Admiral Patrick would have been Mad Space Nine gold!
Next time, on Mad Space Nine…
"There's nothing in the rule book that says a giraffe can't play football!"
Yup. When your lead is already so freaking omnipotent, announcing before the second season even starts that the show will keep trudging onto season 3 sucks nearly all tension out of the show.
Hunters is actually the next episode, episode 15 of Season 4. So it's actually another 14 episodes. Given that one season = 1 year = 26 episodes, that's more than half a year where her depression is nowhere to be found, because it's not like she's offscreen, no matter what Biller and Braga think. It's typical Voyager,…
They establish contact in "Message in a Bottle" the 14th episode of season 4, and got the messages from Starfleet about the fate of the Maquis in the next episode. It's not until Episode 3 of Season 5 that we have "Extreme Risk" where Torres starts holo-cutting herself over it. According to Kenneth Biller, "Brannon…