This review really makes it sound like that miniseries The 60s: Nazi Edition
This review really makes it sound like that miniseries The 60s: Nazi Edition
That was something that kept me from being as much of a repeat player in Simcity 4. As much as they tout connectivity and regions, the actual plots where you could make a day to day city kept getting smaller and you were less able to do things like recreate big fun cities.
A while ago in the DS9 comments I came up with some epic fanwank on this. Here goes:
Only Voyager would make an episode where Seven literally has to press a reset button on her character development or it kills her.
I still love how Chipotle started out as an honest to god mistake on these boards. It's perfect.
They did a really good job with the Emissary trilogy of "Destiny" / "Accession" / "Rapture" of bringing the character to the point over three seasons where, in "Sacrifice of Angels" Sisko-ses could go to the mountaintop and ask for a miracle, which the Prophets delivered. I'd say it's as much post-Sacrifice as…
I actually thought "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night" did a good job making the issue of "comfort women" .and forced prostitution really quite dark and disturbing. Kira never really forgives her mother, she just ends up fucked up about it. And you don't really know how it ends, how Meru's deluded "love" and Dukat's…
I would say "Wait, she hooked up with the black helmsman?" but that would require implying he was a character on the show, which the writers clearly didn't.
I thought that was available in that episode after a little surgery, but I've said too much.
Of course, it's not just Kira. Watching other Treks after you watch all of DS9, it hits home just how flay and blah the characters are. Every single person on the major cast, save Jake and perhaps Dax, is as fully developed as a Captain on the other shows.
One thing I really discovered with the JR Watches Star Trek guys, after I as able to more or less write reviews for all seven seasons of DS9, was just how much I struggled to have anything to say about Voyager. They had 22 or so episodes of absolute best and absolute worst, which gave me enough to either praise or…
I kind of like how DS9's approach to Vic's sentience (and Vic's approach to life) was basically "Ahhh, fuck it." Not everything needed a message episode.
Heh, like Zack's actually going to review Voyager.
Yup. They did it once, and it was awesome, and it was fine. And otherwise, DS9 showed a nice understanding that playing a game that could kill you would be incredibly stupid, even in Move Along Home.
There are worse reasons for something to exist.
They're just totally different characters though. Doc is a much more fully fledged sentient character with a seven year arc (watch Picardo in S1 and S7 back to back and the difference shows), and Vic is a comfortable whatever he is with really just three episodes to his name, and where he's a plot device rather than a…
Yup. Sisko isn't just Space Moses, he's Space-braham.
Meanwhile, on Bajor:
Next week on Mad Space Nine…