
Madsen doesn't need anyone else's bad acting to rub off on him. He's got plenty of his own.

I remain a Stephen King fan, but EW made a mistake when they hired him to write a column. They're generally no more interesting than if they'd asked a random person off the street to write it. All he does is state his opinion in a boring way. (I guess that's your cue to say I do the same thing. But he's getting

I like Desperation a lot too; one of his best latter-day books. I rank it 11th, and The Stand 7th.

Trying to connect a bunch of his stories together is one of the worst ideas King ever had. All it did every time I came across such a reference was to take me out of the story by reminding me I'm reading fiction.

I'm starting to think that's his job.

Excellent firstie!

I really like The Delivery Man, but personally, for a latter-day example of quality Costello vitriol, I'd go with When I Was Cruel, which is my second-favourite album of his (after Blood & Chocolate).

Given her track record, I fear you will soon be proven wrong.

I'm a big Beck fan, and I actually think this is his best album (followed closely by Odelay). He's never sounded more confident and mature in his musicianship.

I believe the incident Marshall Crenshaw is referring to was turned into the excellent 1990 tv movie "Killing ina Small Town".

Are you kidding? I ALWAYS use the testicle one!

You need to relax, my well-named pal.

They're not talking about the word, silly.

What, is the US still on vacation? I check your site and this is the only new item since last week??

In more recent comment threads my love for Yankee Hotel Foxtrot has made me feel like I was going against the grain. Interesting that Modell and Phipps would've backed me up in 2002.

Jet lag
Modell, ten demerits for calling Jet's "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" a good song. Derivative and annoying is more accurate.

Thompson sez we need to seek out Coldplay's "Yellow"?
Why is there a need to seek out something that's inescapable?

Very entertaining article, with one jarring false note: Guns N Roses' The Spaghetti Incident is very good.

I was going to complain about Nathan's fat-phobic comments, but instead I'd like to congratulate all the commenters who recognized there is nothing wrong with being plus-sized.

Of course it's not news, Space Pope, but no one's ever made a movie about it.