I'm not sure you know what "appropiate" means. "Link to" doesn't qualify as appropriation.
I'm not sure you know what "appropiate" means. "Link to" doesn't qualify as appropriation.
I'm thinking I should probably stop reading internet comments about these kinds of shows while I'm watching them. Like the Mr. Robot season 2 twist or the Westworld twist, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have guessed if I was just watching them on my own and I would have enjoyed them more.
I can't help but feel this is going to pale in comparison to Documentary Now!'s true crime parodies. On the other hand no one saw Documentary Now!, so they're probably fine.
Also Girls Trip. And Rough Night.
Because they're sisters! In In Her Shoes at least.
Is Bridget Everett funny? From her performances on Inside Amy Schumer her entire act seems to be "big woman sings dirty stuff, which is automatically hilarious".
The alt-right's biggest insult is based in sexually insecurity. Not surprising.
Sure, three years ago. Now that isn't how the term is actually used.
He's in green or purple face mostly.
You might want to sit down, I've got some bad news for you…
This show got a strangely reserves response but I though it was pretty great. It didn't really have anything to do with the books but still great. I'm glad there's a season two.
If you're checking out because there was a dance number in an episode then Legion is definitely just not the show for you.
There's lots of plot? If anything it's an amazing feat how comprehensible the plot is given how weird and experimental the show is.
Really? The last few episodes are some of the best TV I've ever seen. That showdown with The Shadow King? Amazing.
I no longer measure my own success by how much I enjoyed a movie I was looking forward to.
He is pretty funny though.
Another prequel? No thanks.
New York City?!
Mostly they just make a stupid pun on the band's name. And by "they" i mean "me".