
And if that racist caricature were comically ignorant, dishonest, and openly disinterested in even understanding the requirements of the job, it says that this "he's a better choice despite" argument is just a justification for some other underlying reason.

As long as trump supporters keep supporting a racist caricature, people will keep make racists caricatures of them.

So you get to be pissy and self-righteous online instead of actually affecting American government in any way. Congratulations?

Well no, he's clearly not a Nazi. He's just happily pandering to Nazis because he's a hateful sociopath.

Seriously, the Russian's didn't hack voting machines and change the votes or anything. They may have released Hillary's private emails (which didn't actually contain anything particularly scandalous). If Americans are stupid enough to be swayed by that then Americans are the ones to blame.

Not to be presumptuous but… you need some therapy dude. You've posted a lot about this issue, you're spending so much effort justifying why you can't allow yourself to be happy. I've been there, believe me.

To be fair, it's Lana Del Rey's current persona that's the embarrassing one.

I wanted to created a site called Lonestar where you could connect to other fans of the movie Lonestar and/or Space Balls.

If that's the example of "embarrassing myspace picture" then we should all just give up now.

Actually, you're right the ending did seem unnecessarily harsh now that I think about it. But the film as a whole is really goofy and fun.

The Mermaid didn't feel like that at all to me.

Eh, Five Second Films did it better anyway.

You're not that important, I promise you.

Google Reader was just an RSS reader, there are still a bunch of them that work just as good.

Yeah, at a certain point "reality show" came to just mean "shoddily made sitcom".

The AV Club has a music section? Well I'll be damned!

Less artsy, more fartsy!

As someone who's had an account for years but only comments to make dumb jokes, welcome!

You guys are going to look awfully silly after Trump fixes the economy with his handful of magic beans.