And people wonder why celebrities go insane.
And people wonder why celebrities go insane.
Yeah, for a long time I'm though of this as The Walking Dead: Society Doesn't Work.
Yes, complaining about the first time a gay person has ever died on a show where people die for shock value all the time is misguided. Especially if you phrase it as "This is why I hate straight people". You know who else s deaths on this show are just common shock tactics? Straight white people.
Negan's men tried to murder one of Rick's group so they could steal their stuff, following Negan's official policy. And then they met up with another group who Negan is taking half their stuff in extortion and even then tried to kill their leader. It's not exactly unprovoked.
That was pretty great. Maybe I'm a sucker for high-concept weirdness, but there was something really hilarious about the specific repetition and strangeness in this episode.
You probably don't need to specify that you saw her in The Characters on Netflix in the article about that episode.
Man, when Tynesha showed up I thought I was going to hate her character but it very quickly became great. Maybe it's just SNL flashbacks, which would have done that same sketch but twice as long and half as well written.
And by "seance" he means "get the shovel".
Jesus Christ dude, give it a rest.
He created King of the Hill, which ran for 13 seasons and was great!
More importantly, she was the tattooed gang leader in District 13: Ultimatum.
If you think people here are going to stop caring about something because not many people watch it you've clearly come to the wrong website.
Scared the hell out of me!
Hmm, not really. I didn't see much in that video nitpicking the fact that it's fiction, more silly jokes about broad structural problems. Maybe you're thinking of CinimeSins?
I mean, Hardwick's not wrong about that. A lot of people here have some oddly personal hatred of him. Any time he's mentioned people mostly talk about how much they want to punch him in the face.
Man, #peaktv is awesome. Rectify is a classic "too brilliant to last more than one season" show but because networks are just going crazy renewing everything it's getting four great seasons.
Calvary is a bit like that.
Man, even before Chuck's psychosomatic illness his house is lit like a gloomy Gothic cathedral.
It doesn't matter, HTML will wisely correct your misguided double spacing.
Hence Jim Carrey playing him in the movie.