
That's was the worst water-slide I've even seen. He should complain to the management.

This is some kind of Leftovers Commenter gimmick account right? That has to be satire.

America has a history of poor judgment.

I think this one's just a pun. "Shady Plots" as in "grave plots in the shade" but also "dishonest schemes".

I feel like a lot of post apocalyptic fiction, especially Zombie fiction but especially The Walking Dead, is a fantasy of returning to a simple, tribal, nomadic way of life. Like, instead of the complicated anxieties of modern life, it's just a small group where you know everyone and there's a very simple goal:

Whereas The Walking Dead is super Libertarian. It's tag-line might as well be "Society doesn't work".

Or iZombie. Which is about zombies who are basically just regular people most of the time.

Well, no. Like other genres, some of it's good and some of it's bad.

Wow. It seems like that would be a lawsuit magnet, even with wavers.

When Tarantino come across as the reasonable, level-headed one in your argument, you're doing something wrong.

A couple of episodes ago they showed that the name of Blaine's funeral home is "Shady Plots", which is pretty funny.


The monster is first introduced with the main character literally being tied up and having the premise explained to her. Did you walk in half-an-hour late or something?

I'm a little bit tired of "No hospitals!".

She's already a much better actress than her mother, Andie MacDowell.

Hell, it's a family tradition. His dad talks to imaginary people too.

The theme song this season is literally "Let the Mystery Be". No one is trying to fool you.

Although that one kind of seems like a lateral move.

I was very confused why Nicholas seemed to be in charge of the group this week. Like, this guy's on serious probation at best, why is Glenn letting him call the shots.

The biggest hint was that they didn't have the actor on for the traditional goodbye interview, and were weirdly cagey about it. They didn't even say he couldn't make it or anything, just that no one from the show was there and don't read anything into it.