
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the end. The end of dog racing

I'm assuming he hit puberty and discovered girls.


Seriously, stop trying to tell me which celebrities are gay or married to ugly people! What do you think of me?

As a Community fan I laugh bitterly at the idea that we're still capable of feeling anxiety.

Chali 2na made a pretty good NDT on that one Epic Rap Battles of History.

I mean, I'm sure a lot of the It Girl models wish they were in a massively popular TV show and movie. The grass is always greener.

I am genuinely a sharply dressed microphone.

Ah, Joe Haldeman's great but he does have a weakness for the Deus Ex Machina.

Hey, Enterprise did it!

I mean, every movie he's ever made is way up its own ass. But in a good way.

Well, two of the main characters are gay.

I knew there was a reason I was putting off listening to his episode.

Yeah, I'm starting to get annoyed by it. There's done it three times now, four if you count Freddie (but that one was more obvious).

The IMDB synopsis: "An eight-year-old boy is willing to do whatever it takes to end World War II so he can bring his father home."

Is this a gimmick? Because Trolling For Downvotes beat you to it.

Yeah, Kanye West seems like a guy who's really in touch with his lighter, comedic side.

I mean, she played young Forrest Gump's mother. She played Tom Hanks' Forrest Gump's mother in old age make-up.

It's my favorite Kevin Grisham novel.

I mean, she has a penis. It's not like it's a crazy question.