
Southland Tales answered that question a few years ago

By the way, how is going that Robocop statue, Zodiac?

Non-union Brazilian equivalent

Student Confidential (1987)
Seriously, I'd like to see the AV Club's take on this one; this was The Room before The Room. It has the most hilarious lead character ever, awful turns by Marlon Jackson and Eric Douglas (the Stephen Baldwins of their respective families) and the most akward and funny ending that I have

It's all in the hips, it's all in the hips.

You forgot…
that movie about a masked serial killer, Michael Jackson or something….

So, if his father was Harry Einstein…
does that mean that his real name should be…ALBERT EINSTEIN?

So it is true, The New Cult Canon will be here every 3 weeks now…

The Seether is Louise

The song titles in Picnic of Love are the best

Thank you, you just give Tommy Lee another crappy idea

Seth Putnam of Anal Cunt is a genius regarding song titles

Don't forget Jason Newstead

Reminded me…
of the flying scenes in The Pumaman


So basically this is…
Stampy:The motion picture

Queen Of The Sun: What Are The Bees Telling Us?
Who tought of that title, Lisa Simpson?

Too old for this shit
Same thing happened to Stan Marsh yesterday…

It could be worse…
At least it didn't end with them dying in their way back to their home planet

Wait, the new cult canon is also moving to every 3 weeks too?