Dawn of the Meh

"Pass me a spoon, good sir
Pass me a bowl
Hand me a napkin, please

"Martyrs." I don't know if "like" is the right word for that movie, but it definitely stays with you.

I think I just dislocated my thumb smashing the like button for this.

I think I just dislocated my thumb smashing the like button for this.

I thought a "Benedict Cumberbatch" was a pearl necklace in the shape of a bowtie.

I thought a "Benedict Cumberbatch" was a pearl necklace in the shape of a bowtie.

99 problems but a BWAAAMP ain't one…

99 problems but a BWAAAMP ain't one…

"Carnal pink palpitation?"  Someone's been watching Videodrome…

"Carnal pink palpitation?"  Someone's been watching Videodrome…

Someone with more time and skills than me should replace the BWAAAAAMP in every trailer with that ridiculous "bewwww" disco sound/beat.  And then post for my pleasure.

Someone with more time and skills than me should replace the BWAAAAAMP in every trailer with that ridiculous "bewwww" disco sound/beat.  And then post for my pleasure.

You dropped a BWAAAAAAAMP on me, bay-beh…

You dropped a BWAAAAAAAMP on me, bay-beh…

Maybe a beefed up Cillian Murphy?

Maybe a beefed up Cillian Murphy?

I completely read that as "Steven Soderbergh's Sedaris remake." Soderbergh redoing "Strangers with Candy?"

I completely read that as "Steven Soderbergh's Sedaris remake." Soderbergh redoing "Strangers with Candy?"

Oh for God's sake. This makes LOTR read like Hemingway.

Oh for God's sake. This makes LOTR read like Hemingway.