
New York City is full of Tom Ripleys.  It was always true since the earliest days of the city.

I can't like this enough!

But where was Ken's groveling public apology to the guy who shot him?

Fickle Finger of Fate.

Todd, this was the most epic and and insightful review of the series IMHO.  Hats off to you, sir.

And a big thumbs up for "Harper Valley PTA".

No —- but Damon is definitely channeling a little Dirk Diggler.

They are actually back in style —- just wait until it trickles down to a beach near you!

Very disappointed — I really wanted to love this.

My Top 4 moments:

Betty was always very shallow and now she's rediscovered that!

Get a cat and then another cat and then yer done.

Yeah, Bitch — BAYONETS!


My daughter is Catherine.

Amy's date was giving a serious Ken Cosgrove vibe.  Or was it just me?

Please don't call me Mama anymore.

JFK also received cortisone for his Addison's Disease.  In high does it produces speed-like symptoms; long term abuse can make you crazy.

I told him not to smoke during his birth but that Dick —- he won't be told.

That would have been me.  Bobby is a future AV Clubber.