
Murderbaby McMossybank

I don't know either — but I can certainly turn you on to some conception cocktails.

I don't know either — but I can certainly turn you on to some conception cocktails.

Are you purposely trying to murder a murder baby?

Are you purposely trying to murder a murder baby?

Didn't Adam Sandler and Andy Samberg already make that movie?

Didn't Adam Sandler and Andy Samberg already make that movie?

I'll bet you one dollar that's it's environment.

I'll bet you one dollar that's it's environment.

and crying

and crying

Cry me a river —- of semen.

Cry me a river —- of semen.

All work and no beer make Sister Jude something something…

All work and no beer make Sister Jude something something…

Was she a great big fat person?

Was she a great big fat person?

Oh the sordid tale I could tell about Howie Mandel —- but then I would hate myself so never mind!

Oh the sordid tale I could tell about Howie Mandel —- but then I would hate myself so never mind!

1.Hayden Panettiere is the best thing on this show for me. 2. I wish they would give Judith Hoag more to do.