Mr. Deltoid

It's cheaper than a trip to the zoo.

Every generation gets the Manson it deserves.

You can’t try to fool the audience.

He's obviously never been inside a Wal-Mart.


Their little, shriveled, cold, dead hearts.

Still no dating at all for me, much to the wife's relief.

When my wife and I got together, she was 24 and I was 42. We've now been together 12 years and have two kids. Long before this, I dated a woman 14 years my senior (28/42). I've dated women of other races and two who generally preferred women as partners. None of this should matter to anyone else if it doesn't matter

Rum, sodomy and the lash?

I read Brooks' piece an hour before reading this. Thanks, Mr. O'Neal, for allowing me to continue with my day.

A tangentially related anecdote:

True, it's just bizarre.

True, but even your gross example was set to cool music and a cynical little dance. In the case of Manson, the too-obvious musical temptations might be too much for him to resist.

Maybe like Spike Lee's take on Son of Sam—using the murders as just one of several story threads or as background.

But it was preceded by period of huge social change, which made 11 years earlier seem like another era. Analogous to 1914-1925.

And not Scottish.

The Luftwaffe should have tried that in 1940.

Just don't put on "Ride of the Valkyries" by mistake.

Sounds idyllic. Good for you.

That sounds like a night to remember.