Who else has grabbed power as a woman without help from a man besides Danerys and Yara? It's not a huge deal but it's just one more example of how this show objectifies women far, far more than they do with men.
Who else has grabbed power as a woman without help from a man besides Danerys and Yara? It's not a huge deal but it's just one more example of how this show objectifies women far, far more than they do with men.
I actually really hated that decision. It's like practically every woman on TV with real power automatically becomes a lesbian, because you can't be in power without fucking women I guess. No surprise coming from these showrunners, but disappointing all the same.
Jaquen seems like a badass tbf. The shit he did in the Lannister camp was unquestionably insane.
it's kind of crappy writing and makes [character] look unnecessarily dumb
The reaction was how the show runners, again, exploited the act of rape as a casual plot device and did so in an unearned graphic fashion. They basically used rape for pure shock value, and that is not okay.
I don't always appreciate GRRM's long-game approach, but how he got Davos to Jon Snow really was masterful storytelling. So organic and earned.
I wanna episode of him singing Hungry Like a Wolf
I wouldn't mind if Bran went in his head at some point for whatever reason and we get him reacting to it.
Nah they start attacking, then "who let the dogs out" starts playing while Ramsay mugs for the camera and starts dancing
Gosh, it was just so darn EMPOWERING to see Daenerys learn to enjoy the forced sexual encounters she had.
I loved it. Makeup did a great job with making his mole somehow the centerpiece of the shot. Gaad could not look more defeated
I absolutely love Alison Wright's choice on how Martha takes her pills. So weird and perfectly Martha.
No, you're thinking of Soon-Yi's innocence.
If people are still talking about, and being inspired by a movie theme, I think that's proof enough it's not shitty without having to talk about Williams at all. It's a great theme. But I also wasn't digging it too much, the arrangement of the score doesn't lend itself very well to solo lap steel, imo. Too empty.
We're not having an argument though about how much P&E think about the kids. We're debating how much time they are physically there for them. I still don't think there's anything presented in the show that would contradict the Jennings children having parents that are like some of what Kimmy described - gone all the…
What evidence do we have that it's anywhere near "a lot of the time"? The times we see the Jennings family together are few and far between. I'm just not sure there's proof in what we're seeing onscreen to support that argument.
AKA the Obama kids pestered the shit out of their dad until he relented and used the power of his office to do a relatively arbitrary thing
You're absolutely not wrong at all, but being President of the US is a dirty job. Relative to other presidents and considering the hand he was dealt, he did a pretty good job. We're never leaving Iraq though.
Did you grow up religious/are religious now? I can't speak for faiths beyond the umbrella of Christianity, but Pastor Tim is soooooo a stereotypical Pastor or Priest. I think the nature of what they do is in some ways inherently creepy. They are adult males who genuinely care deeply about helping and mentoring…
In my opinion, much of the Kimmy storyline, especially her "two rakes" monologue, was illustrating what it's like for the Jennings children. I don't think it's out of line with the way they neglect Henry that they aren't the best parents, even though they love them very very much.