
She looked like she was made in Nazi lab then, if I don't have to be so polite.

Met Farley right before he died..
.. at a Chicago movie theater. The Movie was "People Vs. Larry Flynt", and before the movie, the screen ad cards were on the screen. One comes up for "Beverly Hills Ninja coming soon!" and he is sitting behind us a couple rows. We hear this less than halfhearted "Yeah……….. you should

Didn't Liz Taylor speak Maggie's first words?

He did steal some reggae after accusing the police of it.

Guy From Salt Lake City, the Wayans say the world's going to end?

Walon sings!
"Opposite, opposite, opposite"
my favorite part of the show!
(and Walon singing).

Bad Words!
Sometimes I wish the show would bleep out words like "fuck" instead of avoiding them. That scene at the beginning with Tommy and X would have so much better with that word existing on that plane, bleeped or not. Say "shit" all day long, it still don't mean shit! Say "fuck" or say "bleep", you got my

I meant Funky W, as in winkerbean. I am sorry and drunk.

One more thing.. does anybody remember Downstown by Tim Downes. It was like the strip that came after Doonesbury and Bloom County. It looked like both of them, pretty funny too. Then the guy went all xian and quit. Unlike Funky D., who didn't quit. Please quit Funky D.!

Sure, Bloom County may be a little dated when you are reading the long floppy book on the modern crapper, but I remember reading it the in the paper when it came out and that joke is still funny. Calvin and Hobbes is like the "Leave it to Beaver" of Postmodern Comics (did I really write that?). CAH is great cuz it