Raconteur Troubadour

If there's ever a discussion about such things around the AV Club office, I would think Adult Swim should get a little more attention. At least as much as Animation Domination.

And yet people still gush over Southland.

I'll wait for the FG in two weeks in which Brian meets a hot human woman, goes on several humorless dates with dialogue taken straight from McFarlane's own failed romances, then does something to screw it up.

This is one of the biggest problems with transplanting the show in Chicago from the UK.. I think the Frank character is much more of a UK archetype and comes across much better on the original version. For whatever reason while we in the US do enjoy our drunken losers (like say, Barney on the Simpsons), their

MBMBaM is a fantastic show. I can't imagine it existing in any other format than as a podcast, it's just three incredibly funny, smart and quick brothers with the goofiest accents you've ever heard.

This really should have been "Well, I never!" over and over and over again.

The movie did inexplicably have a cop with an Irish accent (which wouldn't be out of place in a 1920s Mutt and Jeff movie but is really odd for one set in present day Milwaukee) and the freakish British roommate and sister who, again, really shouldn't exist in a movie set in present day Milwaukee.