
I wanted more Eva Amurri. Maybe she can help rehabillitate Schmidt.

Parker was the best. For a second I thought she was the waitress from Always Sunny.

Enjoyed it more than episode 2. Hopefully they just keep getting better. Skye is growing on me. Is she a mole or no? Where do her loyalties lie?

Buff McTightbuns

The Root is loose!

Hopefully the opening credits music - however brief - is by Ziggy Marley and we can Telekinese the bong over.

Funny how when Ichabod fires his gun, he's all dramatic like he's firing a pistol in a duel.

Saul blew up the CIA's brass so he could take over!

Christine Woods is fantastic. Hopefully Jessica doesn't hook up with Stuart anytime soon. He'll get lucky one of these times.

Kenny was in the ZONE. All of that training with his assistant paid off. And Wife was key.
The racial stuff is kind of uncomfortable but Kenny isn't racist, he's just anti-BS, pro-Kenny.Calls it as he sees it but can be his own worst enemy or his id is. (Funny when he was freaking about the new green car.)
What next?

I'm liking the new characer Fara. My view is that Saul is protecting Carrie from Abraham, ultimately. She is done with the CIA, no? Maybe Saul and Quinn will work with her off the books.

You're right, it doesn't. The show seemed smart enough to know this, but then again it doesn't make sense to me that a smart CIA bigwig like Saul would go crazy over a headscarf. Hopefully they'll resolve this inconsistency. The Iranian banking angle is pretty topical however, as new smart sanctions on Iranian banks

Not the most exciting historical movie ever but I enjoyed this sort of thing which involves learning something I didn't know which occurred before my time.

Didn't see it, but the premise sounded good. Often times lottery winners can't handle the sudden influx of cash and they go insane and blow it all on stupid things. Kind of like the odd professional athelete.

Ron getting caught in the Internet-mobile Mobius strip was pretty damn funny. Tom and Donna's reactions were hysterical.

Saw a couple episodes of TVD and didn't really like it, but want to give this a chance.  Like the Elijah character; hate the Klaus character but understand that he's partly not responsible for being so feral, but ultimately he is responsible for his behavior. So, will Elijah be able rehabilitate him or not? Elijah

Looking forward to next season. Really liking the actors and characers. The various groups have good chemistry. Marco-Fausto, Sonya, Ted Levine. Adrianna, Matthew Lillard. Charlotte, RayRay, Fausto, Cesar. Sonya changed some, going along with the ambulance ploy. Charlotte changed, breaking bad and shooting the Swayze

Yeah that makes sense. Don't know why I didn't think of it. I thought he'd be relieved that he was given a stay of exection but then kind of snapped because of the insanity and pressures. He wasn't freed from his burdens as you say.

Alphas, now there was a team! Hot babe with the Jedi-Mind Trick. Gary Bell was genuinely funny. I love Strathairn. The humor on SHIELD seems kind of forced.

Entertaining episode. Love Acker but I guess it's good not to have her in every episode. I really like the intellectual-philosophical themes about privacy and technology and power they're playing with - the data broker is kind of an analogy for the NSA but instead of protecting us from terrorists he's there to "give