
I really liked Enlightened and Maron. They were hilarious and made you squirm.

It is ironic that infamous dick Simon Cowell put together this "nice" anti-bullying boy band.

Liked for Menudo reference.

She's efficient and she has a cool horse jacket.

I was hoping for some more of the composer rocking out in the nude. That guy was hilarious! Linder's dream was funny too.

Good point about Big Jim. He did shove the priest into the dome ear-first, but now  offing crazy people has become regular thing for him. Sheriff Linda and Jim are now at loggerheads as well.

Excellent Fargo reference.

If someone locked me in a cellar for days on end I would hold it against them much more than Angie seems to be doing with Junior. At least carry around a taser or some mace to spray him with when he visits you at the restaurant. Junior needs some negative reinforcement.



"Ghetto" as in rappers having lyrics where they brag about how great they are and how bad rival rappers are. It's braggadaccio which exhibits some insecurity. As in I feel thou protest too much. Same goes for BB fanboys. Macho bullshit.


I second your prediction: a giant telepathic alien moth will emerge from the egg and then it will fly to Japan.

And HE's saying that Breaking Bad doesn't measure up to The Wire so that a "For Your Consideration" about "The Wire" would be laughed off the Internet while many people in the thread seem to agree with Bowie.


@avclub-da518aecddbf5c94588f53562012c452:disqus I have to disagree. Someone else suggested that BB's fanboys are young and not old as you say. Sounds right. That's their problem: they're hyperbolic and enjoy dissing other shows like how rappers make it a point to disrespect other rappers in their songs. "I'm the best,

I'm awaiting the descent into cannibalism. They should just flash forward to show competing tribes in war paint and loin cloth.

We got to see Dean Norris make a face like he has to shit two nights in a row.

Look at the angry reactions to this article. Might be something wrong with a show that creates bitter fanboys like these people.

Who is this guy? He's awesome.