Johnny Feathers

And Bowie himself would go on to play Sister Midnight throughout his last tour.

My familiarity with Iggy's stuff is pretty much only through his relation to Bowie, and the Idiot and Lust for Life albums. I think I agree with you, though. That album in particular seems to have little to do with what made Iggy, well, Iggy, and much more to do with Bowie. It's hard to blame Iggy for eventually

I totally understand not digging Cash's cover. As you alluded to above, the track basically WAS foisted on him: Rick Rubin was, to my understanding, responsible for basically giving Cash a lot of the "alternative" songs that he covered in his American series, though I think Cash chose which ones he would do from

In fairness, I haven't read the comic since the movie came out, I think…and I saw the movie once in the theater, and maybe caught half of it on FX or something. So this is all just residual first impressions, and obviously the general consensus of the movie is "it sucks". Still, it did make me wonder if it was

The one that comes to mind is Watchmen. Of course, I loved the comic. But the movie came off as dumb, loud, and EXTREME!!!!. The fight scenes in particular seemed gratuitously violent. Which made me wonder what my problem was, since some of them were pretty accurate depictions of what happened in the comic. Dave

I might still have the cover of the Joshua Tree which I cut from the long box, way back when.

It is good, this roof. I am pleased.

That X-Men game is my go-to for worst game ever. (And I had E.T.) I was such an X-Men fan at the time, I remember when the ad first ran in Nintendo Fun Club (the precursor to Nintendo Power, natch), and I swore I had to get that game. I got it, and after two days, decided it was terrible, and managed to take it

You beat me to it.

I remember when they started using clear plastic for the trays so they could put art on the inside. I think U2's Zooropa may have been the first I saw like that.

That's one I keep thinking I need to get rid of, but never do. One day!

Get off my lawn, etc. etc.!

I did enjoy raiding the bargain bins in Best Buy in recent years. I picked up much of Rush's catalog at just $5 a pop.

I can't speak to all of those points, but CDs do seem to be the last physical format for music. When vinyl's popularity waned in the late 80's, at least the next format still had artwork to look at (though some would decry how small it was) and a physical copy. I will say, for my part, I would find it much easier to

I really haven't burned CDs for my car, but all of this talk has me thinking I need to do this with Bowie's Blackstar album, which I purchased through iTunes.

To this day, I have a weird association of Rush's Roll the Bones and Jesus Jones' Doubt, as each album comprised one side of a 90 minute tape in my car. It's also maybe the most "of its time" pair of albums I could have chosen.

And then you had to record the CD to a tape, so you could play it in the car. And you had to find the right sized tape for the CD, or get creative with where you split the A and B sides, or if you added other songs to it.

Even knowing full well that I don't really need the CDs at all, it was immensely satisfying to compress the whole batch like that, and even served as a nostalgic trip through my collection. ("Oh yeah, THIS one!") And the fact that Best Buy takes the jewel cases for recycling (in theory) had a sort of full-circle

Even worse than the shrink wrap are the stickers they put along the tops of the case, UNDER the shrink wrap. Either picking it off, piece by piece, or ending up with a sticky smear along the top that would never go away.

Oh yeah. And the ones with the brittle center grip pieces that broke off instantly.