Isn't it literally illiteracy?
Isn't it literally illiteracy?
Even if Nick were bad at sex, he's the one person Jess is having sex with. Unless she considered cheating on him, which she won't, that's where all her sexual energy goes. He's important by default.
Rats! I was beaten by just four minutes to a Lysistrata reference. Curse this commentariat's literacy.
I dunno, when I was a kid most kids were fans of Manchester United or Liverpool (but mostly Manchester United) because they were winners, regardless of the fact none of us lived in either city or indeed the relevant country.
Yeah but last's weeks was one of those epochal episodes-of-the-season. This week dealt with fallout (what is Winston's job gonna be now) and progressing naturally (Coach and Jess needed to become friends sooner or later, of the main cast there are the two characters with the least amount of history.)
Yeah we were more told about Winston deducing then we saw him deducing.
A crossover with Brooklyn Nine Nine?
It's weird, sitcoms can make go from 'oh, god, this is going to be the pairing, isn't it?' (early season one Nick/Jess, New Girl) to 'no I am not a simpering fanboy of this relationship shut up' (late season two Nick/Jess, New Girl.)
I love that he genuinely likes his ex-wife's boyfriend/landlord and is on first name terms with him. He just seems like the kind of guy who would.
With the caveat that B99 has been a good show basically right from the start, but maybe?
Liked for spelling of 'fêted.'
It got flooded with MRA comments around the time most people left, though:…
Last time this conversation came up, it eventually devolved into a little MRA echo chamber at the bottom of the comments. Go here, and flip to 'newest', and read for yourself.
Wives belong at home with the kids
I love it because life sucks.
Besides who the fuck reflexively fights this? Would you not retroactively want Michelle MacLaren to have got directing gigs on Breaking Bad, and if so, what is wrong with you?
The spice must flow.
Justified's fourth season just made it to Netflix! ….UK.
I disagree. Dude is crazy nuts and one of the most fun characters in the books. (But then, I don't really get why Oberyn is so popular, so whatever.)
Diploma mill for hella rich kids. I mean the thing was seriously shot at Oxford and Cambridge for parts of it.