
Tyler Perry

I think that was the best OF COCK post I've seen in months here on this site.

It's a B+, which ironically enough was the exact grade I was going to give this firstie!

Such a damn shame, he was just diagnosed with cancer last month. Yet another talented dude gone far too early.

Guiltiest of pleasures
16 & Pregnant as well as Teen Mom always make me feel like a terrible person for watching, but there's something appealing about it all. I also kind of dig the super awkward, stilted narration that each mom gives in-between scenes of "drama".

I know right? It's a major case of tl;dr here.

I seriously didn't plan for that to be a secondsies. Whoops.

Is it ok if I prefer Arcade Fire's second album?
I dunno, I feel like Neon Bible's the black sheep of Arcade Fire's discography.

Whiny Old Jew Overdose is the name of my pseudo-electro-pop-screamocore band.

No, you're about right.

Don't forget that the original Lost Planet game was, for a good while, one of the "killer apps" for the Xbox 360. If not that, then at least one of the best-looking,"original" games, on the system. Of course they were going to bring a sequel here. Too bad it kinda sucked.

I don't know about you guys, but I totally dug Crisis Core (yes, I'm one of THOSE people) and Dissidia (which, you've gotta admit, is a totally competent RPG/fighter).

So who here buys concession food on a regular basis?
I barely do, unless I'm going on a date or something (which is never, because I'm just on the internet most of the time).

The Zune HD is pretty awesome.
I really have nothing else to say about it. It's a solid MP3 player, video player, has some neat games/UI features. It's cool. It was nigh impossible to try to top Apple. They didn't, but that's totally alright.

You need another wife.

Oh yeah, Four Weddings. That show's kinda brutal, just because the brides are so unabashedly biased.

I'm assuming the cavalcade of characters will include Generic Turkey, Snoopy, a bowl of mashed potatoes, and possibly a giant inflatable Macy's credit card.

Hard Corps is a son-of-a-bitch to play, and it's kinda bullshit that they make two characters DLC automatically, but I can see it being fun, if I was a masochist. Maybe not $15 fun, but like $10 fun?

Uh…no one's forcing you to play the story mode in this game. If you want a regular-ass career mode, that's in there. If you want to just mess around with Tyson and Pacquiao in single matches, that's in there too.

I'm a millenial…
and that sounds fucked up.