
So is the "showrunner" the person who created the show? I was always confused over how someone could get fired from something they created.

So is the "showrunner" the person who created the show? I was always confused over how someone could get fired from something they created.

Wasn't that because Emilio wanted that way? I recall reading him saying the only reason he was in the third movie at all was because they offered him a truckload of $ and he needed it to help make a film he was directing.

Wasn't that because Emilio wanted that way? I recall reading him saying the only reason he was in the third movie at all was because they offered him a truckload of $ and he needed it to help make a film he was directing.

Thank god they passed on that crappy Punisher idea. I'm not saying they should go out and make another movie, especially since I heard Marvel got him back, but they could at least do something better than that stupid idea.

Its been awhile since ive seen the show, but I do have the first season on DVD. I wouldn't hate it if they did a movie, but I can't imagine there's lots of people who'd be itching to see that it gets made.

I had a friend who liked to get stoned and watch Mission to Moscow all the time. He wasn't much fun to hang around (I didn't smoke).

I always had an odd fascination with him as a kid after watching Police Academy. Was never sure what it was, he always kind of unnerved me, kinda like when a stray dog approaches you and your not sure if it's gonna be friendly or not. I've never seen any of his films, but I'll have to make an effort to track them down

Nice, it's replaced The Shield in my cop TV lineup. Not as good, but still entertaining. Still surprised that I actually like the OC guy in something. It'll suck Lucy Liu won't be back as her partnership with Cooper was the highlight of the last season.

Yes, it's kinda like you're just trying to find something to bitch about if that's your only complaint about the movie.

Saw Nick Cave there and thought you were going with a Grinderman song, rather than a Badseed one.

I kept hoping for a War Machine cameo during the final act, but didn't get one. Still, it's a very enjoyable film, Hulk is a stand out in it, easily the best portrayal of him in the current Marvel film universe. I can only hope whoever they get to make his next standalone film can do as a good of job as this film.

For a second I thought that this was the post apocalyptic show Luke Perry was in, but then I googled and found out that was called "Jerimiah". Then I realized I had no idea what Jericho was, and any excitement I had over the news disappeared.

That was the first episode of BB I've seen. It was enjoyable enough, I found the B plot much more interesting then the sister cheating stuff. Couldn't stop laughing at the "kiss your sister" stuff, especially the daughters outrage that it's inappropriate to pee in the shower.

I like Matthew Perry and will fully support any show he stars in. Also, he was quite likable in Fallout: New Vegas. I couldn't kill Matthew Perry, even after he tried on several occasions to murder me. "I can't kill Matthew Perry" I said to myself as he begged for his freedom from Ceasar.

I do dig this episode just for the closer where Jerry is in prison doing his standup act with Kramer, who acts like it's the funniest thing ever. Plus for whatever reason I find it hilarious when Jerry makes fun of the guy for being in jail for muder and then ends the joke with "I'm only kidding sir, lighten up".

Same here, saw him last year, one of the best concerts I've ever witnessed.

It's been so long since ive seen this show I barely remember this little details. I've only ever watched the series once after I saw it during its original run on TV. I really should grab it on DVD and give it another run.

Maniac in Wing Commander.

Haha, you're right. I should have kept my big mouth shut.