
yeah, i thought the first act (the Hat Act) went too far in the sitcom-y cartoon-y realm. so i was really surprised at how much i liked the rest of the show.

the romeo & juliet debacle
back in 1996, baz luhrman's R&J came out. this was my sophomore year of high school and i was a full-on theatre dork who considered herself Very pop-culture savvy. my friends and i all considered it our duty to the great theatre gods to see what would surely be the defining shakespearean

i thought the same thing about andy richter! i would love it if he came back!

oh man, i wish conan would open the new tonight show by taking a axe to the set every night. it just made me love him more this past week.

yeah, i never felt bad for tuning in after the monologue. i was there for the opening bits after the monologue.

i'm all for the lab coat, but only if he can put an argyle sweater over it.

i didn't like the jim/pam thing. but as this season goes on i seem to be having the opposite reaction as old buddy nate, here. he went from jim/pam hater, to jim/pam supporter. all this stupid 'drama' for the two of them jsut seems so contrived. and i get it, they're in love. awesome. let's move on.

sure, i have pop culture deal breakers. but, i guess it's not so much 'sacred cows' with me as much as it is something that speaks to me and if you don't get it, you're going to have difficulty 'getting' me, too.