Carnivorous Danus

I actually think Live at Dallas in '68 bests the famous Apollo album. Clyde Stubblefield was on another planet that night. Standout track, "There Was a Time":

It's a pretty good example of what makes lyricist a distinct profession from poet, and not in that inferior way people usually regard it. Simon as far as I'm concerned is one of the greatest lyricists of all time and he only got that way after he stopped trying to be a poet, particularly after going solo.

She's the absolute gold standard for Drunk History, both in terms of blind drunkenness and her commitment to the story. What a legend.


I can easily see walking away from an experience like that and thinking it was money/time well spent for the story alone.

You're right, sometimes things that don't hold up to scrutiny don't hold up to people scrutinizing them.

For certain shots it's actually better to shoot dusk for night because you can catch headlights and street lamps lit as they would be at night with the right contrast. Harder to do that during the day. So he could do the dicking around in the yard stuff during the day and do the establishing shots at dusk.

I haven't seen a single completed work by the guy so he could be terrible creatively, but one thing that seems beyond doubt is Jason is really technically proficient. He's making his days, his setups (if this episode is any indication) seem really clean and efficient, and the DP seems really relaxed and confident with

I'm not saying Jason's some flawless dude, but it definitely feels like they're trying to manufacture drama around him that doesn't exist. The vast majority of conflict seems to be generated by terrible communication on the production team, and even that stuff seems pretty minor. Seriously, just shoot day/dusk for

I think he's hands down the most well rounded comedic mind today. He does every single aspect of comedy and does them all extremely well: stand-up, sketch, improv, written, conversational, character-based.

…But he has neither a neckbeard nor a fedora?

Oh I'll get behind most interesting, probably not that fruitful. It's the first time the guy's written a second type of song. I think he should try playing different instruments like bass and building songs up from there more often. It'll at least keep him from coasting on old reject pile bullshit like Working on a

The most honest answer is probably that this specific format will die off long before women and minorities are anywhere close to being adequately represented. Network and cable TV is going the way of smart TV which means regularly scheduled programming is going the way of the dodo. Morning talk shows/late night talk

I don't know if it was intentional, but Carol seems way better calibrated as a character this season. They played up her innate sweetness for pathos and dropped all the uppity nitpicking which works a lot better when Kristen Schaal gets to be in on the fun.

Or at least get scripts that are flawed in interesting ways. Have something that lends itself to a lot of expressive interpretations, maybe a little bare bones or fragmented or even overloaded with ideas, and see what someone does with it. Fucking anything but a Farrelly Brother's comedy.

Jason Mann seems pretty savvy in that he understands he's being set up to fail. Studios aren't giving quality projects to reality shows. And obviously they're not giving broad Farrelly Brothers comedies to slow build dark comedy directors because they want a winning film as much as they want a winning show. So he

It actual follows boilerplate obituary lede structure, but man does it read funny.

Which turned into a Virgin Megastore, which turned into a Best Buy, which now closed. I have many a fond memories of passing them on my way to Newbury Comics.

Drew Barrymore actually might have played Edie more broad.

I didn't like that song.