Carnivorous Danus

I really can't think of two shows more poorly paired, save only by the fact that they both work in the medium of animation, than Family Guy and Bob's Burgers. I never cared for Family Guy, but it wasn't until they got that lovable lead in that I realized how hateful, mean spirited and thoroughly uninspired it is. It's

My favorite Everly Brothers song is pretty late into their careers, around 67 I think, "Empty Boxes." The guitar work is so tasteful (though not either of the brothers) and the singing is so hauntingly melancholic.

Surprised at Todd saying there wasn't much metacommentary. "Repilot" was nakedly Harmon processing his hiatus and return. Greendale is NBC, many references to what a toilet it is (rating's burn!) but that's what makes it the one place where the show could have been allowed to try itself out. Jeff is presented with the

Watching that all I could do was appreciate how much work they put into the writing. Not just the Shakespearean dialogue, but the tightness of the structure. You can tell it was something everyone involved really want to hone to perfection and I imagine it was written and rewritten over a long stretch of time.

Why are we all pretending cable is still relevant and not in its death throes?

Yeah, it's problematic. Not that he has to be sympathetic, but when they do those moments with Christine it's not going to have the intended effect.

Eric Andre really brings out the hall monitor in people, huh?

I'm inclined to believe they deliberately did it to send a bunch of film nerds into comment rage mode.

You shut your stupid clay face!

It really is the dumbest response I've heard to the NSA story. It's like saying you should expect the post office to open your mail because you once posted a babysitting flier on their bulletin board. Just an incredibly stupid thing said by people who think they're being clever. The internet is a tool for public and

Also Raffi had a Scarface amount of coke around his nose in the video.

Yeah, this was so incredible I think Jason Mantzoukis just ruined the normal League for me from here on out, especially if it means Raffi ain't coming back.

I thought we all agreed it was Charlize Theron by a mile.

It's really brilliant, though I think done with more affection than with the contempt you have (and I'm increasingly sharing these days).

One of the best singers working today.

It's fitting. Charlie Rose is a shitty interviewer.

New Girl? They got a shit ton of nominations. I never thought IASIP would be the show to do it, but good for them on calling out the marginalization of women and minority characters on award winning shows.

She was great. They should branch out more with a b-team cast a la Mitchell and Webb to give their sketches different tones and characters.

Everyone should really check out the original Sam and Dave version of "I Can't Stand Up For Falling Down," because Costello can't touch it (nice as it is). That vocal climb Sam Moore does during the titular refrain is mindblowing:

Similarly, I don't want to turn to film critics for a reading on the political implications of films.