
Wait a minute - we're *against* video game boobies?
I'm on the wrong board.

Thank you Garry Marshall for not casting Hugh Grant. Mrs. Supernaut is not interested in seeing this.

Your body is a Waterpark.

I PVR and watch Sunday mornings - can zoom through it in about 30 min. The show is then quickly forgotten but I can usually get a laugh - at least from Weekend Update.

That gave me a case of the vapors.


Thank You, Craig Ferguson.

Stuntman did you see that movie Denzel made with Travolta's fu-manchu? I didn't. Did it suck?

*northern. Fuckin Innertubes.

Apparently the Zorgs were decendants of Northen Mississippians

There was a time that attaching Oldman to a movie would spark my interest. It was a different world then. A world before The Scarlett Letter, Lost in Space, Air Force One…..

Hesitation Wound is obviously an Emo band name, Bob, so I guess it depends where you stand on Emo.

The Taurus analogy works.

these 2 in a movie together - my gaydar is going nuts!

Not just white but also i believe Canadian which puts him up as a serious contender for Nickelback's title as My National Shame.

You gotta do more than just the Phil Hartman SNL bit. You gotta throw in fragments of cave life with your comments. Hunting, gathering, maybe bits on the lack of indoor plumbing. Like, where were you on the Chris Brown review - you couldve made all sort s of woman-beating jokes.

Here's another vote for the Crazy Dogggz.
I'm dogggie bouncing.

Yeah where's the Fucking Flaming Lips?

can i call failed firsties here?