
I think the coupling of Bill and Laura would better fit on this list. It seemed right and when it happened it wasn't forced fed to us like the boxing ep with Lee and Starbuck. Plus Bill and Laura's moment in the last episode together was very touching.


Set in Baltimore?
there better be random cameos by corner boys still living at the end of the Wire.

No love for Child's Play 3?
or the wonder Sean Astin vehicle Toy Soldiers.

"well if it isn't mr. capawhat's-its"

Just ordered my ticket for the Houston viewing
for $15. damn convenience charge

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to turn you on" is the funniest sketch ever and a Mike one.

Is this an answer to Built to Spill?
doooooo youuuuu ever think about it

Herc = Hot Dog

Omar Little is Starbuck.

I love these commercials
They are better than any drama on TV right now. (I twitted as much in this shameless link to my twitter: http://twitter.com/joestwat yes 7 whole followers)

I wonder what it will be like when Bugs tracks him down and asks him where Dukie is…

I got this on netflix a couple of weeks back
and haven't watched it yet.

good song, but tone it down a little…


to janet about the loss of the outsiders. I feel Spike was never really apart of the group. I think until early season 7 he filled the "makes fun of the scoobies" role quite nicely.

after venture bros, frisky dingo was the best thing adult swim had. i heard one of the writers took a leave of absence so the company shut down.

guh how coulD i forget about ONE CRAZY SUMMER!

he also did the amazing john cusack 80's vehicle Better off Dead.

FOR CASTLETON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!