
My favourite one is Jordan: The comeback. The whole thing is a bit hit and miss, but there are some overwhelimngly good songs on there.

Most chefs haven't got a fucking clue how to cook vegetarian food. I would love it if Top Chef did a challenge where the chefs had to cook an entirely vegetarian meal.

In the UK in the 80s the term Indie became meaningless because the indie charts were consistently topped by Kylie Minogue, Jason Donovan or Rick Astley.

Doesn't Eric Bachman play indie music now?
" You've got to be just a little bit troubled, imbalanced, and uneasy with yourself and the world around you to subscribe to punk rock"

I disagree.

Tin miss
I assumed that the tin miss line was just another Wizard of Oz reference, along with using Baum as a surname.

One to skip
I've never seen a movie by these guys, and this certainly won't be the first.

I'm a lucky fella
I've seen Dane Cook in a trailer for some movie I didn't watch. Beyond that I have never seen him in anything, ever. I'm not even really sure who he is, though I've inferred from AV club comments that he's some kind of fraternity mascot, though I'm not sure from which college.



Wasn't that the one about the Jewish pirates?

I'd imagine that a working class hero would be something great, and a middle class art school lad like Lennon would ove that.

Was I the only one…
..who, during Nathan's press conference, thought he was quoting Gloria Gaynor. Remember? When he said "at first I was afraid…"