Rational Clown Posse

*Camera zooms in on one nerd in audience dressed as Rational Clown Posse, being mocked relentlessly*

Pennies are copper-plated zinc, and zinc is basically worthless. Dimes and quarters are mostly copper, both with higher melt values than pennies. Oddly, the metal value of nickels is highest of all the common coins, because they are 25% nickel which is worth somewhat more than copper. Source: http://www.coinflation.com…

Mic check, mic check.
Haha, na na na, wooooo!

I'm going to live forever!

Scout Fast, Boo Furious

Mic check, Mic check
Hahaha, na na na, woooooo!!

Did he set his watch forward like he was just arriving there?

Ironically, Adam Sandler's next project is CUZ, a gritty reboot of Our American Cousin.

I have a longstanding prediction that Arcade Fire's "Keep the Car Running" will wind up in a Mieneke ad with George Foreman.

This content was highly snackable.

The Community movie will be released direct to BonziBuddy.

In other news, Jericho has been renewed by Lycos.

Pullman/Paxton '16

Well, the kids have to learn about TekWar sooner or later.

Spelled thusly, with two D's for a double dose of "this dystopia."

A defense that, lamentably, I cannot employ.

Bob Patterson!

I was introduced at my wedding reception to the Bulls theme. The wedding party came out to "Y'all Ready for This." Also, I support Ron Paul.

Beady Eye music, mate.