
I really hope that Krypto the Superdog was in that pod.

Speaking of conserving waste.

Six albums and a reunion tour!

The power was in you all along.

How many people died so those two could bone?

Nah. He'd already failed his Bend Bars / Lift Gates roll.

A half-tedder has an 8.5 difficulty.

I took it as a reference to "Answering Machine". Or possibly "Him".

Loved the episode, but there was a little too much unbelievable timing coincidences going on in and around that copy shop.

I so love this show! Speak the TRUTH about Tilapia, Dre!

You guys took it for granted.

Yes, very Russ Meyer. It played well against Pee-Wee's naivety.

Obligatory "There was no 3rd season"

I had a dream. I wanted to sleep next to plastic.

I like Selfosophy myself.

That was a great hour of TV. Not great as in The Wire or Breaking Bad, but great as in a roller coaster ride. Or a trip to the beach. Or a day soent playing board games with good friends. Simple, fun, great!

That'd be a shocking revelation.

Obviously there was an emergency override for the bulkheads or they would not have been able to space those time pirates. So that whole bit was a plot driven inconsistency

Tell me about the rabbits, Snart.

Where did Thrawn come from? Where did he go? Where did he come from, dead Earth2 Joe?