
The Roommatte
…should be Tommy Wiseau's sequel to "The Room", and it should feature Pinhead.
I can just hear it now, "You're tearing me apart, Pinhead!"

You say seasons 1 THROUGH 3 brought you great joy. Except in the previous sentence you said season 3 was when you grew tired of it. Confusing.

I agree. Such a joke is not for prime time television. Or ever, really. But especially not in prime time television. Maybe the Coemdy Club, where the comedian can be booed off the stage.

This movie tore me apart!
wait. that doesn't sound good.

triple post not my fault

triple post not my fault

triple post not my fault

triple post not my fault

triple post not my fault

This is what happens when you throw 25 pieces of crap together
Hear ye Hear ye.
This was incredible boring. Thankfully I don't know any of the songs he "mashed" so I'm not reminded of whatever irritating sounds they make individually after having heard this. Like Captain Vegetable said (with his carrot and his