
"Only God Can Judge Me."

Between this video and ICP's "fucking miracles" thing, this has been a great week for terrible songs.

The intro to the Black or White video embarrassed ME and I had nothing to do with it. It's like watching your dad dance to "Rump Shaker" at a wedding reception. That level of mortification.

Everything I know about The Hills I learned from The Soup, thankfully.

Oh, I still have a lot of love for Frontier Psychiatry. I think it's on my iPod somewhere, now I have to find it.

First tape: Kris Kross :((((
First CD: Operation Ivy

Nomar, I thought that was a little weird too - I know she was uncomfortable with Mike dating her mom, but there's no way she could be happy with him after the way he broke up with her (insultingly, on her birthday). I'm surprised she can even be civil to him. But like you said, the writers sort of trapped themselves

Yeah, the "WHACK!" while slapping Angela's forehead was awesome.

my austin powers-related story
Back in 2003 (so it was already old then), I was on the LIRR with my boyfriend and his lovably drunk mother. A transvestite got on the train and bf's mom yells (not whispers, freaking YELLS) "THAT'S A MAN, BABY!" When we shrank down into our seats and tried to will ourselves to

I've only seen the Walmart one, but yeah, what a crappy-looking documentary. Just from an aesthetic standpoint, if nothing else.

It was my first concert too. I went with my dad. He changed into the fat suit, which was bad-ass, but most of the time he was dressed in the Amish costume (this was the tour for Running With Scissors).

Not sure, Cruskinsky. I Googled and it looks like the studio's name is Branscome International. It is well worth it to find some clips from their films on YouTube…they are uniformly horrible.


what about
That Brazilian animation studio that makes knock-offs of Disney films? "Ratatoing" for Ratatouille, "Balloon to the Rescue" instead of Up, "The Little Cars", et cetera. I have seen Ratatoing and it's possibly the worst animated film ever made. Gotta admire their chutzpah though.

Oh yeah, I am apeshit for it. It is one of the few shows that I will willingly watch any old time. Other shows, I get sick of and don't need to rewatch for months. Not Mr. Show!

Yep, that's the long and short of it, basically. Jeez, you make it sound so SORDID!

I have a lot of nostalgic fondness for this admittedly retarded film. One of the biggest differences between Goldie Hawn and JLo is that Hawn is, or was, funny and likable. She plays a snooty bitch in the beginning of the film but she's still a sympathetic character, and Hawn's comic timing is great. Lopez is a

a "dead-eyed talent vacuum"
is the best descriptor of Kristen Stewart I've ever read.

I'm an old gold tooth and I'll tell ya the truth!
I live in the mouth of a HOMIE…

I can't help it, David! I'm from the streets!