
What if this Hank gets promoted to New Mexico, (like our Hank and El Paso), and we find out he's really Steve Gomez and that's how they became partners?

I'd say 30 Rock's finale was probably the best of the year.

I thought Tina Fey did excellent, but some of the sketches felt very half-baked, and first-drafty. Perfect example: the airline sketch. If it was re-written a couple more times, then the turn would've been more effective, and the couple boarding (who, oddly, got lost in the shuffle) could've had a more fleshed-out POV.

To all those disappointed Walt was let off easy:

I'm actually really disappointed that the A+ wasn't brought back for this, though.

This was a tremendously written review, to an absolutely perfect finale. I mean, Jesse survived. What more can you ask for?

Steve Carrell will always be my favourite.

Spoiler Alert: the last episode of Breaking Bad is a clip show. We get no closure whatsoever.

My oh-so-happy, probably unrealistic prediction:

I feel like this site consistently underrates It's Always Sunny.

Jesse's the reason for all this? So he's just supposed to take psychological manipulation and torture from Walt? I mean, Walt's a smart guy, but even he has to know it's human nature for Jesse to lash out at him eventually.

What a sad, brutal, devastating episode of Breaking Bad. People sunk to new lows, characters we rooted for since the shows inception were killed in cold blood. We've reached rock bottom, but the show seems intent on going even lower. It's a cruel, heartless universe- and we're being exposed to all of it…………….BUT SCREW

I like how we're bringing up Walt's carefulness/basic senses in regards to some apparent "plot holes".

Thought the same thing too.

While driving?

Who Walt goes to do Jesse in isn't really a writing issue- or an issue at all, really. Walt's used the Nazi gang before. He knows they work, and they'll do what he asks.


Hypothetically, Walt could've rented the van through Saul, trusting he'd be smart enough not to get a traceable one. But, upon receiving the call from Jesse explaining his fake track-down process (along with the picture of the barrel), Walt was convinced Saul had screwed him- and he had no time to check because his

I'd actually see Jesse not going to Hank as a more coward move. What's the only alternative? Do what Walt suggested before, and start a new life- putting your head down to a man whose screwed you time and time again.

In my opinion, it's